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Bank of China won the "2014 Best RMB Offshore Bond Issuance Award" of Asian Finance magazine
February 9, 2015 10:14:34 Source: Bank of China official website Click:

Bank of China won the "2014 Best RMB Offshore Bond Issuance Award" of Asian Finance magazine

In 2014, Bank of China, as the joint lead underwriter, participated in the issuance of three-year offshore bonds worth 1.5 billion yuan by the Malaysian National Re mortgage Agency (Cagamas Global). Recently, the project won the "2014 Best RMB Offshore Bond Issuance Award" of Finance Asia magazine.

This bond is the largest single RMB bond issued by Malaysian issuers so far, and it is also the first time that Bank of China has participated in the issuance of RMB bonds in Malaysia. The issuer of this bond, Malaysian National Re mortgage Agency, is a quasi government agency in Malaysia. With its popularity in the field of offshore RMB bonds, Bank of China was appointed as the co lead underwriter and successfully completed the issuance in less than a month. The bond subscription rate reached more than 3 times, the total amount of subscription was close to 4.7 billion yuan, and the bond coupon was finally determined to be an annual yield of 3.7%, 15 basis points lower than the target price set by the issuer, which was subscribed by 87 investors of different types in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Europe.

On January 5, 2015, the People's Bank of China authorized Bank of China to act as the Malaysian RMB clearing bank. BOC will give full play to the advantages of the clearing bank, continue to promote the use of RMB in bilateral economic and trade exchanges between China and Malaysia, cooperate with the implementation of the "Belt and Road" development strategy in Malaysia, and help Malaysia develop the RMB offshore market.

Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Hong Kong, Asia Finance is a well-known financial media in Asia.


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