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Bank of China RMB "Triumph Bond" Won the Special Award of the Judges of the Fourth French Securities Market Annual Conference
2014-12-08 09:35:27 Source: Bank of China official website Click:

On December 3, the 4th French Securities Market Annual Conference and the Best Listed Enterprise Award Conference of Euronext was held in Paris, and Bank of China's RMB Triumph Bond won the special award of the judges of the 2014 French Securities Market Annual Conference.

On December 3, the 4th French Securities Market Annual Conference and the Best Listed Enterprise Award Conference of Euronext was held in Paris, and Bank of China's RMB "Triumph Bond" won the special award of the jury of the 2014 French Securities Market Annual Conference.

In July this year, Bank of China issued 2 billion yuan of "Triumphal Bonds" in the French market, and in September, it was listed on the Pan European Exchange, becoming the first Chinese funded institutional RMB bonds listed on the European Main Board. In order to commend the contribution of Bank of China in promoting the cooperation in new fields such as RMB business in the securities markets of China and France, the fourth annual meeting of the French securities market decided to award a special award to the jury of the Bank of China.

This annual meeting was hosted by Pan European Exchange and attended by French government, finance, finance, industrial and commercial enterprise leaders, such as French Finance Minister Sapan and CEO Attiyah of Pan European Exchange (France). The annual meeting focused on enterprise financing, venture capital, listing and trading, and invited experts, scholars and consulting institutions in the French economic and financial circles to select the 2014 Pan European Exchange Best Listed Enterprise Award.

The Pan European Exchange is the world's leading and largest exchange institution in the euro area, with a total market value of more than 2.6 trillion euros, and more than 1300 enterprises have issued shares here.
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