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"Zodiac Baby" comes out of ICBC with many discounts
2014-12-20 14:25:21 Click:

Each of us has our own zodiac, but do you know how they came from? The zodiac is a precious heritage left by the ancients to future generations. Ancient astronomers matched the hours of a day with animals, and selected twelve animals to correspond to the twelve hours,
Each of us has our own zodiac, but do you know how they came from? The Chinese zodiac is a precious heritage left by the ancients to future generations. Ancient astronomers matched the hours of a day with animals, and selected twelve animals to correspond to the twelve hours, which was used to record the time. Later, it was applied to the chronology. Each year corresponds to a kind of zodiac, and a cycle of twelve years gives birth to the Chinese zodiac.

From 11 o'clock at night to 1 o'clock in the morning of the next day, it belongs to midnight. It is the time when mice are frequently active in the dead of night, and they are called "mice". From one o'clock to three o'clock in the morning, it is ugly time. Cattle are accustomed to eating grass at night. Farmers often raise lights to feed cattle at night, so it is called "ugly cattle". From three o'clock to five o'clock in the morning, it is Yin time. The fierce tigers that lie dormant day and night often make roaring sounds, so they are called "Yin tigers". From 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning, it is Maoshi. It's just dawn. The cute little rabbit goes out of his nest to look for grass with morning dew, so it's called "Maotu". From seven o'clock to nine o'clock in the morning, it is the time of the day. At this time, the morning fog will not disappear, and the dragon will ride on the clouds. It is also worth the rising sun and rising day by day, so it is called "Chenlong". From nine to eleven in the morning, it's time. The fog has cleared, the sun is shining, and the small snake goes out of the hole to look for food, so it is called "already snake". From 11:00 to 1:00 at noon, it is noon. At this time, wild horses were running around in the fields, so they were called "midday horses". From one o'clock to three o'clock in the afternoon, it is a good time to herd sheep, so it is called "Weiyang". From 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, it is Shenshi. When the sun is in the west, monkeys cry, so it is called "Shen Monkey". From five to seven in the afternoon, it is Youshi. When the sun sets, the hens turn around in front of their nests, so they are called "Youji". From seven o'clock to nine o'clock in the evening, it was Xu's time. The ancients had a rest after a hard day's work. The dog lay in front of the door to guard, so it was called "Xu's dog". From nine o'clock to eleven o'clock at night, it is the time of Hai. In the dead of night, you can hear the pigs arching their grooves, so it is called "Hai Pig".

It is most appropriate to express your love for them 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with a zodiac baby to thank parents, send lovers, accompany children, present friends, and accompany girlfriends. It is reported that those customers who buy "Zodiac Baby" in ICBC will receive a luxury gift package in the near future, including a silver gold-plated necklace and a Swarovski element exquisite cygnet necklace. Buy one and get two free. The number is limited and there are many discounts. Don't miss it! Ask ICBC Kunshan branch for details.

[Zodiac Baby Warms up - Parents]

Thanksgiving season, thanks to the cultivation and upbringing of parents. After years of getting together with my parents, I have accumulated endless guilt and missing. Send a warm, only wish parents health and longevity.

[The Baby of the Zodiac Comes Sweet - Love Story]

There are 12 zodiac treasures, including her, you, the Chinese people's belief and philosophy in life, permanent value and strong friendship, always new and unconventional. The most special love is for the person you love most.

[The Baby of the Zodiac Comes Cute -- Children]

The 12 zodiac treasures are lovely partners for children. They are 12 life roles and ideal personality, the deepest concern and expectation, and are given to the most innocent children.

[Zodiac Baby Comes Sincerely - Friends]

Time can't take away true friends. Years leave behind the most sincere feelings. We shine on each other with encouragement and care, accompanied by this warm heart.

[The Elegant Arrival of Zodiac Baby - Sisters]

The 12 cutest and lovely spiritual objects in history tell the life ideals and emotional stories in the world. Heaven and man correspond, communicate with each other, express auspicious blessings and guardianship, and send the most careful love to your favorite sister.


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