Kunshan Taixie Minimally Invasive Base  |  Kunshan Taixie Industry University Cooperation Center
  •  The central bank will cut the interest rate again, and the deposit interest rates of banks in Kunshan vary greatly
  •  Bank of China releases cross-border RMB index in November 2014
  •  Good helper and trustworthy partner of ICBC quick remittance enterprises
  •  Do your duty for love and make your family happy
  •  "Zodiac Baby" comes out of ICBC with many discounts

The central bank will cut the interest rate again, and the deposit interest rates of banks in Kunshan vary greatly
The central bank cut interest rates for the fourth time this year. The benchmark interest rate of deposits and loans was lowered by 0.25 percentage points again, including the benchmark interest rate of one-year deposits dropped to 175%.

Bank of China releases cross-border RMB index in November 2014
Bank of China releases cross-border RMB index in November 2014

Good helper and trustworthy partner of ICBC quick remittance enterprises
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Do your duty for love and make your family happy
Mr. Zhang, 40 years old, has been working hard all the year round. When he came home on the National Day and saw his elderly parents, he could not help feeling that as the years passed, he gradually supported half the sky at home. The moon waxes and wanes

"Zodiac Baby" comes out of ICBC with many discounts
Each of us has our own zodiac, but do you know how they came from? The zodiac is a precious heritage left by the ancients to future generations. Ancient astronomers matched the time of the day with animals

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Social security agency business of China Construction Bank
Social security concerns the national economy and the people's livelihood. In order to cooperate with the social security management departments at all levels in this important work that concerns the practical interests of millions of households, China Construction Bank will provide social security institutions at all levels and insured individuals with