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Xie Gang, Deputy Mayor of Kunshan City and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, investigated in Taiwan Association
2016-11-23 13:02:00 Source: Editorial Department of Taiwan Business Magazine Click:

This morning (23rd), Xie Gang, Deputy Mayor of Kunshan City and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, accompanied by Lu Yingfang, Political Commissar of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, came to the Association for investigation.

This morning (23rd), Xie Gang, Deputy Mayor of Kunshan City and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, accompanied by Lu Yingfang, Political Commissar of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, came to the Association for investigation. He Rongrong, the director of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, Zhang Qin, the deputy director, Wu Jun, the director of the Emergency Response Office, and others accompanied the investigation. Li Kuanxin, President of Kunshan Municipal Taiwan Association, Gao Jinlong, Executive Vice President, Huang Jianzhong, and Wu Jihong, Vice President and Convener of the Public Relations Committee received Xie Gang and his delegation.

During the symposium, President Li Kuanxin fully affirmed the social security environment in Kunshan and the work of the public security organs in serving and managing Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan businessmen, I would like to express my gratitude for the work done by Kunshan public security organs for a long time for Taiwan businessmen and enterprises in Kunshan to live and work in peace and contentment.

Xie Gang said that Taiwan businessmen in Kunshan have brought advanced industries to the urbanization of Kunshan and played a crucial role in promoting the development of Kunshan and even Suzhou. Kunshan government sees the contribution of enterprises, and will also vigorously support the development of enterprises, especially in the face of current Risks and challenges in the process of transformation and upgrading, Kunshan government will Constantly optimize the business environment of enterprises, and serve the transformation and development of Taiwan enterprises.

The public security organs in Kunshan should also conscientiously perform their duties, fully protect peace and maintain stability. Specifically, it will strengthen communication with Taiwan enterprises in Kunming, actively seek opinions and suggestions, and constantly optimize and improve service management measures. We will innovate the activity mode of "Five Visits and Peace Sending", go deep into a series of publicity and education activities in various forms organized by Taiwan enterprises under our jurisdiction, strengthen the rule of law education, safety education, civilization and quality education of enterprise employees, and rely on enterprise employees to transmit and radiate to the whole society.

Li Kuanxin said that the Taiwan Association will also play a role as a bridge, do a good job in publicity, and lead Taiwan enterprises play a more active role in promoting the economic and social development of Kunshan



Over the years, Kunshan public security organs have actively integrated into the overall situation of Kunshan's rapid economic development with the service concept of "pro business, secure business, facilitate business and enrich business", constantly emancipated their minds, updated their concepts, kept pace with the times, blazed new trails, adhered to the integrity service throughout the whole process of public security work, and guided the police to firmly establish the concepts of "pro business" and "serving taxpayers":


Safe construction

In terms of safety construction, Kunshan police insist on combating crimes and public security prevention and control, strengthen the construction of professional teams, strengthen intelligence research and judgment, and emphasize the coordinated operation of multiple departments. Put forward the idea of "combining attack and prevention, focusing on prevention", combining civil air defense and technical prevention, and through the joint construction activity of "police enterprise interaction • building safety together", to close the relationship between Kunshan police and Taiwan enterprises in Kunming, to provide better police services and prevention guidance for Taiwan enterprises, and to help enterprises promote internal security joint construction projects such as theft prevention, fraud prevention, fire prevention and accident prevention. Through joint construction activities and joint conference system, give full play to the role of the Taiwan Association as a bridge, establish a coordination work platform to ensure the safety of enterprises, open up the information channels between the police and Taiwan funded enterprises, work together to do a good job in enterprise safety prevention, and build a good public security environment.


Entry and exit

Entry and exit, service without border ". In terms of entry-exit business, Kunshan's entry-exit business continues to speed up. It has successively launched a number of convenience service measures, such as delayed service, mobile window service, green channel service, and set up entry-exit branch points, making the distance and time for Taiwan residents to handle relevant entry-exit documents shorter. In order to facilitate the handling of certificates by Taiwanese businessmen, the Public Security Bureau adopted the method of "telephone reservation and centralized handling", which not only effectively adjusted the peak of certificate handling, but also facilitated the handling of various enterprises and reduced the workload of Taiwanese businessmen.

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