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The reason why Kunshan Electric Power Association recommended Kunshan for six consecutive titles
October 20, 2014 16:35:09 Source: Electricity Council Click:

On the afternoon of October 20, 2014, the results of the 2014 Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Industry Association's "Investment Environment and Risk Survey in Mainland China" report were released, and Kunshan won the first place in the city's comprehensive strength, achieving six consecutive titles.

Today, the Electricity Council announced the latest survey results of investment environment and risk in mainland China. Kunshan is still the most popular location, ranking first in the city's comprehensive strength ranking for six consecutive years.

Since 2000, the Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Industry Association has been exploring the investment environment and investment risks of Taiwanese investment intensive cities in mainland China with the "two forces and two degrees" evaluation model of "urban competitiveness", "investment environment", "investment risk", and "Taiwanese recommendation".

It is reported that in 2014, the city comprehensive strength calculation method of "Investment Environment and Risk Survey in Mainland China" of Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Industry Association continued the "two forces and two degrees" model assessed in the past survey report, and three cities were added to the original 112 cities, namely Suining, Dongguan Songshan Lake, Luoyang, a total of 115 cities, The total number of recycled volumes is 2498.

The survey results show that the top ten cities in China's mainland in terms of comprehensive strength in 2014 are: (1) Suzhou Kunshan, (2) Suzhou Industrial Park, (3) Off Xiamen Island, (4) Suzhou High tech Zone, (5) Nanjing Jiangning District, (6) Suzhou downtown, (7) Chengdu, (8) Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, (9) Wuxi Jiangyin, (10) Qingdao.

The report points out that Kunshan's Five reasons 1. Clear policy planning; 2. Assist in industrial transformation; 3. Cross border RMB business; 4. Clustering effect of Taiwanese businessmen; 5. Excellent geographical location.

The report also shows that the attractiveness of city clusters in the Central and Western Triangles to Taiwanese businessmen has declined, and many cities, including Chengdu and Chongqing, have declined in ranking. Only Xi'an has become the only rising city due to the policy effects of the Silk Economic Belt and the Xixian New Area, while the cities of the Haixi Economic Belt and the capitals of the three northeastern provinces are showing an upward trend.

This year's report takes "Xi Li's reform and business opportunities" as the theme, and once again invites Lu Hongde, a professor of the Business Management Institute of Zhongyuan University, to be the host of the plan. In addition, Xu Shijun, an honorary professor of Yuanzhi University with the reputation of a management master, is also urged to serve as a research consultant, continuing the research results of the previous 14 years, making a complete analysis and comparison of relevant statistical data, and providing Taiwan businessmen with a layout in mainland China, Reference for investment across the Taiwan Straits.

The report said: "The southeast coastal areas of mainland China have long been an important window for foreign trade of mainland China, The Suzhou Hangzhou area is now the most advantageous area for economic development in mainland China. Its investment environment and industrial structure are constantly optimized and adjusted to attract capital, talents and technology from all sides 。”

The five reasons why the Electricity Council recommends Kunshan are as follows:

Kunshan is located at the border between Suzhou and Shanghai, roughly between Suzhou and Shanghai, with the Beijing Shanghai Railway running through it. Its transportation and economy are developed. Since the reform and opening up, Kunshan has grown from an agricultural county to a new industrial and commercial city dominated by an open economy. Through various policies, cooperation, adjustment and optimization of the investment environment, it has attracted Taiwanese businessmen to enter. On February 3, 2013, the Chinese mainland government approved the establishment of the "Kunshan Pilot Zone for Deepening Cross Strait Industrial Cooperation", aiming at the three major directions of "the pilot zone for the transformation and upgrading of cross Strait industrial cooperation", "an important carrier for in-depth cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises across the Taiwan Straits", and "a demonstration platform for innovation of cross Strait exchange and cooperation models", It shows that Kunshan still has an indicator position in cross-strait enterprise exchanges. According to the 2014 Survey Report of Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Industry Association, Suzhou Kunshan has ranked first in the comprehensive strength ranking of cities in mainland China for six consecutive years. The reasons for its superior investment environment are listed below:

Reason 1 [Clear policy planning] Since the State Council of mainland China officially approved the establishment of Kunshan Pilot Zone for Deepening Cross Strait Industrial Cooperation on February 3, 2013, cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation have entered a new field and level, gradually attracting many Taiwan funded service enterprises to invest in Kunshan. In this regard, Guan Aiguo, secretary of the Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, said: "The biggest opportunity for Kunshan is to deepen the cross-strait industrial cooperation pilot zone in Kunshan. It is necessary to focus on building a new strategic platform for reform and opening up that is convenient for investment and trade, perfect financial services, efficient and convenient supervision, and distinctive cross-strait characteristics, and plan well the strategy and tactics of" starting again "through good" first hand "." The Kunshan government guides the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, accelerates the production technology update cycle through scientific and technological innovation, and promotes the transformation and upgrading of industries across the Taiwan Straits; The other side is to strongly promote the mutual penetration of the service industry between the two sides, make use of the resources that both sides have strong points to allocate, and develop in a dislocation with Shanghai, so that the development of the service industry should closely focus on the manufacturing industry, improve the comprehensive efficiency of regional economies, accelerate the integration of capital and industry, and create greater market space for the cooperation between the two sides. It shows that the Kunshan government hopes to improve the competitive advantage of enterprises to invest in local areas by connecting and integrating industries complementary to each other across the Straits, and by taking advantage of the development momentum of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

Reason 2 [Assist in industrial transformation] In the early days, Taiwan businessmen in Kunshan were mainly export processing enterprises. However, in recent years, because of the adjustment of export tax rebate rate, high awareness of environmental protection, and rising cost of production factors, Taiwan businessmen have increased operating pressure and risk, and the traditional OEM model needs to be changed urgently. Since the establishment of the Kunshan Pilot Zone for Deepening Cross Strait Industrial Cooperation, under the leadership of the Kunshan Municipal Government, by deepening cross Strait scientific and technological innovation exchanges, we have jointly established a technology research and development platform, cooperated in the research and development of core key technologies, and assisted the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan funded enterprises in Kunshan by taking advantage of the advantages of Taiwan businessmen in the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements to create a win-win situation of mutual benefit and symbiosis. Guan Aiguo, Secretary of Kunshan Municipal Party Committee, pointed out on March 28, 2014 that "transforming the economic development mode and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading have become the common choice of economic development across the Straits, the only way for Kunshan's development, and the inevitable choice to break the bottleneck constraints." On April 14, 2014, Wang Dong, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Investment of the National Development and Reform Commission in mainland China, also said: "The construction of Kunshan Pilot Zone will further promote the extension of the cross-strait industrial chain and promote the industrial transformation and development." It shows that Kunshan is prosperous because of Taiwanese businessmen. Now Taiwanese businessmen are trapped in a situation where their competitive advantages are gradually losing, and in turn help Taiwanese businessmen to carry out transformation and upgrading, We will create an investment environment that is conducive to Taiwanese businesses and that is mutually beneficial and symbiotic.

Reason 3 【 Cross border RMB business 】 Since the establishment of the Kunshan Pilot Zone, the People's Bank of China issued the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Measures for the Pilot of Cross border RMB Business in the Kunshan Pilot Zone for Deepening Cross Strait Industrial Cooperation on August 12, 2013, agreeing to carry out the pilot of cross-border RMB business in the pilot zone, so that Taiwan businessmen in Kunshan can directly remit RMB back to Taiwan, reducing the inconvenience and exchange rate risk of having to transfer to US dollars in the past, In addition, the State Council in mainland China has also granted Taiwan businessmen registered in the Kunshan Pilot Zone with the right to conduct cross-border two-way lending business in RMB within their enterprises, which means that Kunshan Taiwan businessmen can borrow RMB funds from abroad that do not account for the foreign debt limit through their parent companies, thereby reducing exchange risk and interest expenses; The parent company can also borrow RMB in Taiwan first, and then lend it to Taiwan funded enterprises in Kunshan, thus providing an important channel for the daily operation of Taiwan businessmen in Kunshan. Although there are still restrictions on the region, the purpose of capital use, and the upper limit of the amount, it is still an irresistible incentive for Taiwanese businessmen, which will significantly increase their willingness to invest in Kunshan.

Reason 4 【 Taiwan businessmen clustering effect 】 Since the reform and opening up, there have been a large number of Taiwanese who have always lived in Kunshan to do business and work. At least 200000 Taiwanese worked in Kunshan in its heyday. Through a high degree of cultural exchange and penetration, Kunshan has gradually become a "beachhead" for Taiwanese businessmen to invest in the mainland of China. Kunshan has even earned the name of "Little Taipei". Today, Kunshan has more than 4400 Taiwan funded enterprises, about 100000 Taiwanese, Taiwan funded enterprises have nearly 700000 employees. In May 2014, Tianxia magazine published the 2013 ranking list of Taiwan's manufacturing enterprises. Among the "Top 50 Comprehensive Rankings", 19 enterprises invested and set up enterprises in Kunshan, accounting for nearly 40% of the total. This shows that Kunshan has a close relationship with Taiwan businessmen for many years, which not only attracts many Taiwan businessmen to invest and set up factories, but also enables many Taiwan businessmen to grow and thrive in their business strength.

Reason 5 [Excellent geographical location] The construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is the "engine" that drives the national strategic linkage of the mainland of China, and it is also a unique opportunity for cities along the Yangtze River. Kunshan is located in the golden intersection area of the Shanghai Nanjing Economic Corridor and the Yangtze River Basin Economic Belt. Its superior location advantage and developed open economy enable Kunshan to make full use of many preferential policies, human resources The capital advantage and vast hinterland can not only make full use of the limited land to layout high-end innovative industries, promote the effective allocation of resources, but also make Kunshan the preferred area for Taiwanese investment in East China.

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