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On November 22, the Women's Charity Society came to the nursing home in Lujia Town
November 26, 2013 14:23:12 Source: Kunshantai Association Click:

On the morning of November 13, more than 20 people from the Kunshantai Women's Charity Association came to the Lujia Town Nursing Home to practice the traditional virtue of "respecting the old". Upon arriving at the nursing home, the sisters worked together to help the elderly cut their nails, massage, and prepare snacks and daily necessities

On the morning of November 13, more than 20 people from the Kunshantai Women's Charity Association came to the Lujia Town Nursing Home to practice the traditional virtue of "respecting the old".  

Upon arriving at the nursing home, the sisters worked together to help the elderly cut their nails, massage, prepare snacks and daily necessities, have a heart to heart talk with the elderly, ask them about their life and physical conditions, do finger exercises with the elderly, and perform songs, dances and other programs for the elderly, which made the elderly very happy.

In the nursing home, there were several special elderly people who could not take care of themselves and did not come to the scene of love. The sisters sent gifts and health blessings to the elderly.

Founded in 1986, the Lujia Home for the Aged has always been known as the "Home of Kindness and Love". It mainly houses the elderly with five guarantees and the foster care elderly without care in the society. Living here, it can be said that the life of the elderly is basically carefree. What they need most is a spiritual sustenance, social concern, enthusiasm and warmth. Through close contact with the elderly, everyone deeply felt the elderly's inner touch and desire for family affection and care, and the happy expression on the elderly's face moved everyone on the scene.

Address by Ai Heyuan, President of Kunshan Taiwan Women's Charity Association

Help the old man cut his nails


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