Microsoft Activation Scripts Download Microsoft Activation Scripts (Windows Activation Tool) Download v2.3-KK Download Station

Microsoft Activation Scripts

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Microsoft Activation Scripts v2.3

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Microsoft Activation Scripts (Windows Activation Tools) is a very useful activation tool for Windows systems. Here, HWID KMS38 and Online KMS are a collection of scripts for Microsoft products. The open source version is free for users to use. There is no advertisement and anti-virus detection. It has multiple effects and is more powerful and easy to use. Interested users can download it quickly~

 Microsoft Activation Scripts

Microsoft Activation Scripts feature

Permanent activation of HWID digital license: provides you with a one-time permanent activation scheme.

KMS38 activation to 2038: provide users with an activation period of up to 20 years.

180 days for online KMS activation: half a year for users who need short-term activation.

Microsoft Activation Scripts Feature

1. HWID activation

2. KMS38 activation

3. Online KMS activation

4. $OEM $folder for pre activation

5. Activate Troubleshooting

6. Insert Windows 10-11 HWID Key

7. Change Windows 10-11-Server version

8. Check Windows Office activation status

9. Multiple in one and separate file versions available

10. Fully open source

11. Less antivirus detection

12. The file is a transparent batch script or an official Microsoft file

13. Latest version of MAS

 Microsoft Activation Scripts

Microsoft Activation Scripts Highlights

1. Versatile, multifunctional

At present, there are three ways to activate Windows and Office: HWID activation, KMS38 activation, and KMS activation. This tool is available. It can be the integrator of the activation tool. Only this activation tool is available, and no other tools are needed.

2. Powerful function, which can activate windows11 | windows10 and Office full version 2021-2013

This tool is powerful and can activate all mainstream versions of current mainstream Windows and Office, such as Windows and Office Enterprise Edition, Professional Edition, Professional Enhanced Edition, Home Edition, Server Edition, Education Edition, Batch Edition, Retail Edition, and OEM easily activated versions.

3. Troubleshooting, activation reset

This tool can not only be used to activate windows and office, but also can repair the lost and damaged system files of the drive by repairing Disc and SFC for windows and office. It can also repair windows and office, reset the activation mode, rebuild the license token, and clear the officeVnext license function.

4. Short and pithy

This tool only has more than 500 K sizes. It does not need to be installed. It is green, reliable, and free of junk code. It is incomparable to those activation tools that are often dozens of megabytes in size. Its activation speed is extremely fast,

5. Windows version conversion

This activation tool is also applicable to the Windows version, where nine versions of ProfessionalEducation, ProfessionalWorkstation, Education, ProfessionalCountrySpecific, ProfessionalSingleLanguage, ServerRdsh, IoTEnterprise and Enterprise can be freely converted to each other.

6. Activation Status Query

The activation tool provides two ways to query the activation status of windows and office: VBS and WMI. The activation status of windows and office is clear at a glance.

7. Virus free trojan is completely reliable

There are many activation tools on the Internet, but almost all of them include viruses and trojans. The tools are open source script programs, and there is absolutely no trojan virus. It is currently the most secure and reliable activation tool.

8. Clear language barrier, pure Chinese interface

This tool is fully Chinese, without omission. All operation and prompt information are in Chinese, so there is no need to worry about poor English, inability to operate and other problems.

 Microsoft Activation Scripts

Features of Microsoft Activation Scripts

Open source code: let you fully understand its working principle and ensure transparency and security.

Lightweight without false positives: The simple design ensures that the software runs smoothly without unnecessary trouble.

Multiple activation methods: provide multiple activation options for different user needs.

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