Download and install the free version of Cat scratch plug-in pc - download the official version of Cat scratch plug-in v2.5.2 - KK download station

Cat scratch plug-in official website

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Cat scratch plug-in official version v2.5.2

  • Software Introduction
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Software label:

Cat scratch plug-in pc free version is a very powerful web video media sniffing software. Its functions are excellent and easy to use. It is a web video media sniffing auxiliary tool in the browser. The plug-in functions it brings to users are very powerful and comprehensive, and it is easy to operate. Novices can also use it quickly to help users on any page, Mark the information you need or are interested in, and the interested partners will come to download and experience it.

 Cat scratch plug-in official website

Official features of cat scratch plug-in

Cat scratch plug-in is a web page media sniffing tool and a music and video address acquisition tool.

1. It supports capturing any data at any site;

2. Multiple sites can be updated at the same time;

3. It supports the use of regular expressions to customize the content to be captured.

 Cat scratch plug-in official website

Advantages of Cat scratch plug-in software

1. Drag selected paragraphs from any article detail page to mark and write comments.

2. Re open the marked article, and the previous mark/comment will reappear.

3. Data is permanently stored in the cloud.

4. A lot of optimizations have been made for Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo to support comments and tags on Weibo.

5. When searching Baidu and Google, the plug-in searches the articles and comments marked by Cat scratch at the same time, so that the tag and collection can truly play their role.

 Cat scratch plug-in official website

Cat scratch plug-in update log


[Added] Add test function data Send sniffing data and key to specified address

[Added] Replace tag and add ${origin}

[Added] Display icon digital corner switch

[Fixed] The range parameter needs to be specified for a small number of websites of the cat scratch downloader

[Fixed] Fix the problem that the title contains illegal characters as the file name

[Changed] Some UI minor adjustments

Cat scratch plug-in official version v2.5.2

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