Download and install the official version of Storm Activation Tool on PC - Download the free version of Storm Activation Tool v1.0 latest version - KK download station

Free version of Storm Activation Tool

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Storm activation tool free version v1.0 latest version

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The free version of Storm Activation Tool is a permanent free activation tool on the computer. It not only occupies a very small amount of computer memory, but also has very powerful functions. The free version of Storm Activation Tool can be activated effectively and quickly. In addition, the free version of Storm Activation Tool has a super simple page, which is particularly easy for users to use. The free version of Storm Activation Tool is also very green, virus free, and damage free, so that users can be assured to use it. If you need it, please download it quickly

Introduction to free version of Storm Activation Tool

Storm activation tool is a one button permanent activation tool developed for Microsoft system and office software, which is developed by Storm official website. This tool is small in size, easy to carry, simple in function and easy to use. It can be used as a professional version for users to permanently and perfectly offline activation with one button. It is a necessary activation artifact for users to install their machines every day.

In addition, this software also supports win7 system, win8 system, win8.1 system, win10 system, and office versions above 2007 to meet the user's needs in all aspects. In addition, the Storm Activation Tool can also accurately identify all Office versions and Windows systems installed on the computer and activate them without manual selection. Currently, it has been updated to 18.0 version, and the pro test runs stably. After activation, click View Status to obtain the current version information.

PS. This website provides users with free version download of Storm Activation Tool, which supports 32 and 64 bit operating systems, green installation, and is easy to use. There are detailed use tutorials below, which are available for personal testing. Users who need it can download the experience.
 Free version of Storm Activation Tool

Storm activation tool free version software features

1. Storm activation tool fully supports the activation of win7 and win10 systems, and the use experience is no different from the genuine version

2. The simple method of one click operation allows you to use permanent perfect offline activation, surpassing any other activation tool

3. The most important thing is that the Storm Activation Tool is small in size, easy to download and activate

4. The Storm Activation Tool can not only activate the system, but also activate all versions of office software
 Free version of Storm Activation Tool

Function introduction of free version of Storm Activation Tool

1. With the popularization of Windows10 system, the activation function for Windows10 system and the latest version of Office software have been newly added.

2. One click permanent activation of win7 system, win8 system, win8.1 system, win10 system and various series of Office software. It is easy to achieve permanent and perfect offline activation with one click, completely surpassing any other activation tool.

3. Activate after accurately identifying all Office versions and Windows systems installed on the computer, without manual selection;

4. There is no need to enter any path and other miscellaneous operations, and only one key is needed for activation;

5. For the full range of systems and Office versions, there is no need to select manually, and it is more intelligent;

6. Small size, easy to download and activate.
 Free version of Storm Activation Tool

Storm activation tool free version update log


1. Improve the activation success rate and activation speed, surpass all peer software, and reach 10 seconds of permanent activation

2. Add option to activate office software separately

3. Add OEM activation mode option

4. Strengthened the speed of software identification system version and software compatibility

Storm activation tool free version v1.0 latest version

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