Download and install on the PC end of Diamond King - download the green version of Diamond King v9.5 latest version - KK download station

Green version of Diamond King

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Diamond View King Green Version v9.5 Latest Version

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Software label:

The PC version of Diamond Image Viewer is a free image viewer software, which can support users to open hundreds of image formats, and also provide users with basic image editing functions such as graffiti, size modification, text addition, etc. Users can not only quickly open images, but also edit images according to their own needs. At the same time, they can directly solve the problems of each photo, If you are interested, please come to download the experience.

Frequently asked questions about the Diamond King

1. How can I view all the pictures under the sub directory of the folder once using the Diamond Image Viewer?

Please click the icon shown in the red circle below

 Green version of Diamond King

2. How to cancel the appearance of the Diamond Image Viewer on the right-click menu of the system folder?

By default, the Diamond Image Viewer will reside on the right-click menu of the system folder, as shown in Figure (a) below, so that you can quickly open all the pictures in the folder, which is its folder penetration function. If you do not want the Diamond Viewer to reside on the right-click menu of the system folder, you can remove the check mark in front of the "Resident on Folder Menu" in the main interface window of the Diamond Viewer, as shown in figure (b) below.

 Green version of Diamond King

Introduction to Diamond King

The Diamond Picture Viewer is an extraordinary and distinctive picture browser. Its biggest feature is that it can open a large number of landscape photos at the same time, so that you can have a panoramic view. It is very enjoyable. Since then, you don't have to look at and compare pictures one by one, especially when you encounter a large number of pictures. Secondly, The Diamond Image Viewer can view all the pictures under the folder subdirectory at one time. You don't need to expand the folder subdirectory layer by layer to view one by one. There is a built-in light wind (security map browser) in the "Diamond Map Viewer", which can make you look at pictures online safely, because it can forcibly intercept various annoying pop-up ads and Trojan viruses. Not only that, the light wind picture browser also has the function of extracting web page pictures and automatically downloading web page pictures, which is very practical.

Common shortcuts:

Penetration function: Right click any folder in the Windows system and select "Diamond King" from the pop-up floating menu. Then, you can open all the pictures in the folder penetratively without opening the folder.

Diamond King of View

1. A large number of landscape photos can be tiled and opened at the same time, giving you a panoramic view, which is very enjoyable. Since then, you don't have to look at and compare pictures one by one, especially when you encounter a large number of pictures.

2. You can also view all the pictures under the folder subdirectory at one time. You don't need to expand the folder subdirectory layer by layer to view one by one.

3. When you search for pictures on Baidu's website, you open them one by one. It's tiring and time-consuming. Now, "The King of Diamond Pictures" can instantly extract hundreds of large size photos from Baidu's website, all of which are displayed in front of you in a tile, giving you a panoramic view. Hehe, from now on, you will no longer have to search and download photo albums one by one.

 Green version of Diamond King

Features of Diamond King Software

1. A large number of pictures can be opened by tiling at the same time

2. Automatically import all pictures in this folder

3. It can be arranged and spread out to see the picture, compared to see the picture, zoomed in and out to see the picture

4. Powerful, simple and fast operation

5. Completely free, green and non-toxic

Diamond View King Green Version v9.5 Latest Version

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