1Todos (to-do list/time management) free download - 1Todos list management software download v1.4.0.0 free version - KK download station

1Todos list management software

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1Todos list management software v1.4.0.0 free version

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Software label:

1Todos list management software is a simple and easy to use desktop tool. Users can easily manage their schedule and time in 1Todos list management software, support users to set various time schemes online, and you can also insert pictures in 1Todos list management software. All the ways you can record event organization information can be archived and managed conveniently, Interested users come to KK to download experience~

1 Features of todos inventory management software

Simple and powerful task list

1Todos is simple and easy to use, has a powerful task list function, and manages tasks hierarchically. The task has advanced functions such as task description or notes, subtasks, list, reminders, labels, deadline, adding pictures, and adding to the calendar.

Quick sorting and batch operation

When there are many and miscellaneous tasks, sorting out often takes a lot of time. 1Todos can not only help you clearly list ideas, but also help you quickly sort out tasks. The tasks in each list can be batch operated, and the tasks in the inbox can be quickly sorted out.

Focus on planning tasks and high energy and important matters

Super efficient people do not fill their time, but focus on planning and live more efficiently.

Thought determines action, action determines habit, and habit determines life. Set up a flag and start by recording your thoughts

1 Highlights of todos inventory management software

1. Create and edit tasks: You can easily create, edit and delete tasks, and set information such as task title, description, importance and deadline.

2. Tracking task progress: users can easily track task completion rate by displaying completed tasks or setting progress percentage.

3. Shared tasks and collaboration: users can share task lists with team members and improve team efficiency through real-time collaboration.

1 Features of todos inventory management software

1. Quickly record ideas anytime, anywhere. If you need, you can certainly take more detailed notes and implementation steps.

2. Reasonably classify all aspects of life and work.

3. Use tags to quickly extract current important tasks and focus on important matters.

4. The important things should be "sorted out" three times, and the time should be planned and easily pushed forward.

5. You can add the planned tasks to the calendar and execute them on time.

6. Learn time management systematically in "Moment", and top masters will grow with you.

7. Can't build life and work lists? We have prepared excellent templates for your reference.

1 Operation instructions of todos list management software

Systematically learn time management in "Moment", and top masters will grow with you

You can add the planned task to the calendar and execute it on time

Common phrases, icons and popular events are provided. You can quickly create an agenda without entering

Use Auto Defer to automatically move unfinished tasks to the next day

Support convenient and quick creation of schedule and alarm reminder

Automatically generate a "recurring event" schedule, which supports daily, weekly, monthly, annual and other recurring events

Set a "deadline" to remind how many days before the deadline

Use "end mark" to distinguish completed and unfinished items

1Todos list management software v1.4.0.0 free version

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