GTA5 police MOD download - GTA5 playing police MOD download (with installation tutorial) - KK game download

GTA5 plays police MOD

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GTA5 plays police MOD

Installation tutorial attached
  • Authorization method: free version
  • Software category: domestic software
  • Game size: 12.5MB
  • Recommended star level:
  • Game language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated on: June 15, 2023
  • Operating environment: WinAll, Win7, Win10
  • Download locally File size: 12.5MB

  • Software Introduction
  • Software screenshot
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Software label:
Today, KK Editor recommends a very interesting GTA5 game MOD, which allows players to play their old opponent, a Luoshengdu policeman. After installing this GTA5 police MOD, we can patrol and maintain public order like a real policeman in the game, call for support, call fire engines, call ambulances, and even order other citizens to pull over for inspection. As players who often run amok in Luoshengdu, they live in a battle of wits and courage with Luoshengdu police every day. This time, we will play the role of police in person. If you are interested, please download this GTA5 police MOD!

 GTA5 Police MOD Download

GTA5 Police MOD Installation Tutorial

1. To install this GTA5 police mod, you need to install Script Hook V (GTA5 MOD loader) first. If you don't install it, you can Click here to download and install
2. Extract the compressed package file downloaded from the website, and find the "GTA5-PoliceMod" folder in the extracted folder.
3. Open the GTA5 game root directory, copy all the files in the "GTA5-PoliceMod" folder to this directory and overwrite the original files. It is better to run the game.

 GTA5 Police MOD Download

GTA5 Police MOD Operating Instructions

F3: Open menu

K: Key to turn on the radio

J: Key execution

F5: Call for backup

F6: Call for fire fighting

F7: Ambulance

Shirft: pull over

Try pressing ctrl+r several times when MOD crashes

 GTA5 Police MOD Download