Pixel Watch Pioneer official website download - Pixel Watch Pioneer official download v0.9.7 Android version - KK mobile game download

Pixel Watch Pioneer Genuine

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Pixel Watch Pioneer Genuine v0.9.7 Android

  • Authorization method: free version
  • Game category: domestic software
  • Game size: 46.45MB
  • Recommended star level:
  • Game language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated on: May 20, 2024
  • Running environment: Android
  • Download locally File size: 46.45MB

  • Introduction to the game
  • Screenshot of the game
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Software label:

Pixel Watch Pioneer is a mobile phone game with pixel style overhead angle shooting. In this game, there are many classic characters of Watch Pioneer for players to use. It's really fun to play. At the same time, players can also choose their own professional positioning according to their personal preferences, participate in various combat scenes, and experience the unprecedented excitement of the game. The ultra clear game screen is matched with exciting and tense background music, so that players can have a better sense of experience. Please download the experience quickly if you like.


Pixel Watch Pioneer Novice Operation

1. Download and enter the Pixel Watch Pioneer game, where you can experience a lot of playing methods;

2. In the single player game mode, select your role and opponent to start a fierce confrontation;

3. Enter the game, the character will move from top to bottom, and click the screen to stop moving;

4. Use the attack button at the bottom right to shoot the enemy;

5. You can also use powerful skills to defeat opponents;

6. If you defeat your opponent successfully, you will win;

7. In addition to the single player game mode, you can also play local multiplayer games and enjoy the fun of competition with your friends.

Pixel Watch Pioneer Wonderful Duel

1. Support

Support heroes can protect and strengthen allies. Heal or add shield to increase damage or movement speed. Some hero skills can also revive allies to continue fighting. A total of five heroes belong to this type, namely Chanya Tower, Light of Order, Angel, Lucio and Anna.

2. Assault type

Assault hero is a hero who is responsible for creating a large amount of damage. The target is defined as: exploring the enemy, discovering and

Destroy enemy units. A total of seven heroes belong to this type, namely, Liekong, Death, Pharaoh's Eagle, McRae, Soldier: 76, Genji, and Black Shadow.

3. Reassembly type

Heavy heroes are defined as those who are responsible for absorbing damage and dispersing the defense of the other party, and play an important role in attacking the enemy in a group or attacking the throat. A total of six heroes belong to this type, namely Winston, Reinhardt, Charlia, D.VA, Roadmaster, and Eliza.

Pixel Watch Pioneer Role Type


Defense heroes generally have the ability to control the field, hinder the enemy's attack or strengthen the defense. A total of six heroes belong to this type, namely Black Lily, Tobias, Fortress, Bancang, Crazy Rat and Mei.


Support heroes can protect and strengthen allies. Heal or add shield to increase damage or movement speed. Some hero skills can also revive allies to continue fighting. A total of five heroes belong to this type, namely Chanya Tower, Light of Order, Angel, Lucio and Anna.

Reassembly type:

Heavy heroes are defined as those who are responsible for absorbing damage and dispersing the defense of the other party, and play an important role in attacking the enemy in a group or attacking the throat. A total of six heroes belong to this type, namely Winston, Reinhardt, Charlia, D.VA, Roadmaster, and Eliza.

Assault type:

Assault hero is a hero who is responsible for creating a lot of damage. The target is defined as: detecting the enemy, discovering and destroying the enemy units. A total of seven heroes belong to this type, namely, Liekong, Death, Pharaoh's Eagle, McRae, Soldier: 76, Genji, and Black Shadow.

Pixel Watch Pioneer Introduction

1. Familiarize yourself with hero skills: select your favorite hero and become familiar with the skills and characteristics of each hero so as to give full play to the advantages in the battle.

2. Master map layout: understand the layout and characteristics of each map, and be familiar with the key positions and tactical points of each map.

3. Team cooperation: Watch Pioneer is a team game. Keep good communication and cooperation with teammates, and jointly develop tactics and strategies.

4. Reasonably allocate resources: In the game, reasonably allocate resources to ensure that each hero can obtain necessary equipment and support.

Permission requirements

Pixel Watch Pioneer Genuine v0.9.7 Android

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