World Empire 2027 unlimited internal purchase version mobile game download the latest version - World Empire 2027 unlimited gold version download v.4.9.3 Chinese version - KK mobile game download

World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Edition

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World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Version v.4.9.3 Chinese Version

  • Authorization method: free version
  • Game category: domestic software
  • Game size: 125.41MB
  • Recommended star level:
  • Game language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated on: March 27, 2024
  • Running environment: Android
  • Download locally File size: 125.41MB

  • Introduction to the game
  • Screenshot of the game
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Software label:

World Empire 2027 is a strategic tower defense war game. In this game, you will become the leader of one side in the world in 2027, to constantly fight and make reasonable strategic deployment, to make your country extremely strong, and to constantly develop and train powerful troops to carry out fierce and cruel wars, leading the country to glory, Interested friends, please don't miss it. Come to our website to download and experience the game!


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 World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Edition

World Empire 2027 Infinite Inbound Game Background

This year is 2027, and the world is in chaos.

The world market collapsed and the world order collapsed. Everyone competes for resources, and NATO and the old alliance are no longer relevant.

The newly elected President of the United States decided to focus on the internal affairs focusing on the economy and rebuilding the national economy.

The United States began to withdraw its troops from all over the world.

With the United States in crisis, Europe, which has a large number of refugees and a weak euro, cannot influence global affairs.

In Eastern Europe, the South China Sea and the Middle East, the world has become very high in dealing with the power of leveling and tension

A great uprising overthrew the existing government in your country.

As the leader of the uprising, you have unlimited power to lead and rebuild at home.

Parliament nominates you and the way you make the country an empire.

As a new leader, your goal is to eventually become the top leader.

Using everything from diplomacy to war, you must strive to build an empire that is superior to all other empires economically and militarily.

Are you ready to lead, Supreme Commander?

World Empire 2027 Infinite Internal Purchase Game Features

Diversity of strategies:

In the World Empire 2027 game, you will face a variety of strategic choices, from diplomacy to war, from policy formulation to financial management, everything depends on your strategy. Every decision will affect the fate of your country, so choose carefully.

International relations:

Relations with other countries are crucial. You need to establish diplomatic relations, cooperate with allies or challenge enemies. The international arena is full of variables, and your diplomatic skills will become the key to victory.

Science, technology and military:

Developing science and technology and building a strong army is one of the ways to gain advantages. You can invest in scientific and technological research and development, improve your national strength, or strengthen military forces to ensure national security.

 World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Edition

World Empire 2027 Infinite Inbound Game Highlights

1. The newly upgraded picture looks more in line with the mobile terminal. Advanced properties and automatic combat mode welcome the new PK arena.

2. World Empire 2027 has simple operation methods, exquisite game style design, various obstacles and challenges.

3. Realistic physical effects will give players the most interesting breakthrough, and a variety of different challenges will give you the best adventure process.

4. Choose the right role, pick up your own weapons, gain various skills in the chaos, and break out the most powerful strength.

 World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Edition

Introduction to World Empire 2027 Infinite Internal Purchase Version props

World Empire 2027 saved and loaded

You can save or load your game data in single player mode.

But please remember that you only have one storage slot, and you cannot retrieve it under your load.

Please use it carefully.

World Empire 2027 Fund

The taxes you earn in the game depend on the number of people you have in the country, which will show your monthly budget.

The troops are recruited from the people, and the amount of troops recruited will reduce the taxes collected.

We collected fact files from all countries of the CIA

The national budget (revenue) divided by the number of civilians will give you the basic profit of each civilian.

It is important to develop national education, which will increase your monthly income.

Improving relations with other countries or with the world's superpowers will lead to better trade and more capital.

World Empire 2027 Nationals

The money you can get from them.

If the people of the country reach 0, they will fail.

World Empire 2027 Economy and Industry

It is important to improve your economy and industry, because it will help you build a better and stronger country.

research center

The research center will help you to develop your country's attack and defense.

If you develop weapons of mass destruction and you reach the final level of research, the option to use it will open.

If your research facilities are bombed, all research levels will disappear, so protect your country.

Diplomatic options

World Empire Declares War in 2027

Will allow you to attack this country.

Cost: $0

Demand an end to the war

If accepted, the sea siege will also be lifted.

Their chances of accepting the terms of the armistice are 33%

Cost: $1000000000

Threats and military operations

May worsen or improve the relationship.

Cost: $500000000

Improve national trade relations

Improve national relations and trade profits.

Cost: $3000000,00

Sign a peace treaty

Prevent military or espionage operations between any countries.

Cost: $5000000000

Sign the military alliance treaty

A military alliance between countries.

If one country is attacked, the other country will provide assistance and increase the national budget by 3%

50% chance to give assistance when participating in the war

Cost: $700000000

Dismantle the military alliance

The military alliance treaty will be cancelled.

Cost: $0

Break the peace treaty

The peace treaty will be cancelled.

Cost: $0

Deteriorate relations

An accident that worsens the relationship.

Cost: $0

Sending assistance

Send all your money to the target country.

Dispatch military assistance

You will send 20000 troops, 750 armored personnel carriers, 500 tanks, 500 artillery, 48 helicopters and 24 fighter planes to another country for peacekeeping missions.

The deployed troops will fight in the war, and the war will automatically arrive in your country after 3 rounds, unless there is peace with the target country.

If you send the unit, you will not be able to recall, so pay attention.

The number of units that will be returned depends on the outcome of the war.

These countries must be allies to provide military assistance.

You need to wait until the army comes back to help again.

ask for help

You can call the leader of the country and ask the country to help you

This option will only be displayed when your country is in a state of war

Seeking help will encourage your allies to send aid (money/military) or join the war

You can use this option once every round

Granting independence

Will allow you to release the countries you conquered and give them independence

You will make the country independent, and because of your actions, your country will become an ally with independent countries

This action will also increase diplomatic relations with all superpowers

Newly independent countries will retain their original borders, 90% of which are from civilians, but all military units will lose their technical level

You will send 750 million dollars and 20000 troops for military assistance to protect 250 armored personnel carriers purchased by the country

All countries will maintain friendly relations with newly independent countries

If the number of civilians is less than one million, they cannot be independent

Rebuilding the country

Will send huge support to revive the lost country.

This action will revitalize the country and make your country the best ally.

In order to revive the lost country, you will send 25 billion dollars, 1 million civilians, 20000 troops, 500 APCs, 250 tanks and 250 artillery to support it.

Trade sanctions

Your country will stop trading with the target country, and your allies will also join in this action

You and your allies will reduce the relationship with the country to frequent espionage (if the original relationship is worse, it will not change)

This action will bring less income to the country (it is recommended to do this before any military action)

If the country is an ally or has a good relationship with your ally, the ally will not join the trade sanctions

Demand a declaration of war

If you are fighting with a country, you can ask your allies to join the war with that country (your allies have an 80% chance to join)

If your request is rejected, you and the ally will cancel the alliance

demand the break of an action

You can make a country stop any war and enter a truce

This action can enable weak countries to gain the protection of powerful countries

If your country is stronger than the target country, it is 33% likely to accept and stop any war and enter a truce

Fee: $1000000000

the United Nations

One earth, one country, work together!

The UN can help weak countries and restrain powerful countries

Each country can send a request every month (round)

Only one request item can be made for the same country every month

The price for sending the request is% 100 million

After you vote, you will get the result of the request

If the request is approved, all countries will implement the content of the request

The result of this request will be affected by the relationship level

If the request is more affirmative than negative, it will be executed. If it is contrary, the request will fail and disappear

Computer players can also send requests, and you can view the results in UN requests and resolutions

Bribery - United Nations

Bribery of UN members will help to restrain powerful countries through your request (this can also allow weak countries to obtain additional assistance)

You can only bribe countries that are not in a state of war or alliance with you

Bribery will automatically affect the national effect of abstention (but not all)

If there is a bribe in the UN request, the price of the bribe will be affected by the number of your citizens

The basic bribery cost is $10 per citizen of the country

For example, if the country has one million civilians, the bribery cost will be $10000000

Since the country can also implement bribery, you can raise the cost of bribery for each citizen and be better at bribery (the higher the price, the more likely the request is to pass)

The state can only obtain the money of the bribery according to the requirements of the country providing the bribery

You can feel how much the bribery amount your country will pay to the bribery pool (the more the amount, the more the number and possibility of countries receiving bribes)

If the bribe is accepted, the amount of the bribe will be automatically sent to the country where your bribery requirements are implemented

The amount of the bribery pool will always be fully used, even though only a few countries accept bribes and no amount will be returned... (Therefore, determine how much you want to use to bribe other countries)

If a computer player sends a request to you, the system will let you add a bribe to the request

 World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Edition

World Empire 2027 unlimited in store version game review

In the world empire 2027, strategy and decision-making are the key. Experience the game in depth, formulate wise policies, and build a strong country. Through specific play examples, you will understand the charm and challenges of the game. Join us now, become a real national leader, and reshape the world pattern!

 World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Edition

Update content


*Improved game interface, speed and stability.

*Many countries' armies, relations and economies have been updated based on real world data.

*Fix the reported problems and continue to improve AI.

We plan to add countless new diplomatic, spy and war options, technologies, resources

Your support is very important for our continued development.

thank you!

IGindis Team


New option added in the custom scene: option to put the country under the control of the target country.

Build up to 5 alliances and manage up to 10 relationships.

The system allows you to save and load up to 10 custom scenes.

See how it works on our social media.

We plan to add countless new diplomatic, spy and war options, technologies, resources

Your support is very important for our continued development.

thank you!


A new option that allows you to create your own custom scenes.

Build up to 5 alliances and manage up to 10 relationships.

The system allows you to save and load up to 10 custom scenes.

See how it works on our social media.

We plan to add countless new diplomatic, spy and war options, technologies, resources

Your support is very important for our continued development.

thank you!


*Fixed boundary reported problems.

*Update Middle East relations according to real world events.

*Updated the scene of Israel Iran proxy conflict.

*Improved game interface, speed and stability.

*Fix the reported problems and continue to improve AI.

We plan to add countless new diplomatic, spy and war options, technologies, resources

Your support is very important for our continued development.

thank you!

Permission requirements

World Empire 2027 Infinite Gold Version v.4.9.3 Chinese Version

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