How to turn on computer camera recording

Many professional game videos, micro class/teaching videos will have camera commentary images. How can this be achieved? Here is how to record a commentary video with KK video recorder.

Step 1: Turn on the camera

Before recording, go to KK main interface - Settings - Camera, check "Turn on camera", and then a camera window will be displayed on the computer screen.

 Turn on computer camera recording

Step 2: Adjust the camera

Check whether the size and position of the camera image on the computer screen are appropriate. If not, return to the camera setting interface to modify.

Step 3: Start recording

In full screen mode/regional mode, the camera window is always displayed on the computer screen. In frame rate mode, the camera window will not be displayed, but there will still be camera images in the recorded video. Start recording in the normal way. After recording, go to KK - My Video to play the recorded video.

 Computer camera video recording


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