Cloud hook CHM

Cloud Hanging Mchine, also known as Cloud Hanging Mchine, is a high-performance computing service that has been running for a long time. Its computing performance is no different from that of traditional cloud servers, and it has the characteristics of security and isolation. As a small computer focused on hanging software, Hanging Mchine helps the core business grow rapidly.

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It has 100+regions to support 24-hour self-service opening

 Popular vps purchase regions
  • Shenzhen Hangjibao 1G

    CPU: Intel Xeon dual core
    System: Windows
    IP library: 1 (subject to actual measurement)
    Remote: 3389/VNC

    1G Memory 10M bandwidth 11G Hard disk
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  • Jiangxi Hangjibao 1G

    CPU: Intel Xeon dual core
    System: Windows
    IP library: 1 (subject to actual measurement)
    Remote: 3389/VNC

    1G Memory 10M bandwidth 11G Hard disk
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  • Hanging Jibao Type A in Foshan District I

    CPU: Intel Xeon dual core
    System: Windows
    IP library: 1 (subject to actual measurement)
    Remote: 3389/VNC

    1G Memory 10M bandwidth 11G Hard disk
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  • Xiamen Hangjibao 1G

    CPU: Intel Xeon dual core
    System: Windows
    IP library: 1 (subject to actual measurement)
    Remote: 3389/VNC

    1G Memory 10M bandwidth 11G Hard disk
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Product characteristics

Features and advantages