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GAY officially opens the registration, gay suffix domain name

Published on: September 26, 2020 18:33:51 Source: Kufanyun

Recently emerging general Top-level domain name GAY is officially open to purchase, and the cost is about 342 yuan per year (the cost is not low), but it is worth noting that The GAY domain name is prohibited for webmasters who oppose/slander homosexuality. See the following for this point.


As a newly launched general top-level domain name GAY, like other domain names, can be used to build websites, but it has a special meaning and is related to homosexuality There is still a big difference between GAY and other top-level domain registrations, The GAY domain name is not allowed to be sold to the webmaster or company who opposes/slanders homosexual groups or organizations to build a website for use and publish articles attacking homosexual groups. Otherwise, it is found that the website. gay domain name resolution is stopped directly, access is prohibited, and the protection color is very strong!


In addition, in terms of domain name fees, because GAY is special and just launched. The registration of new users is relatively expensive, about 342 yuan per year. The prices of different registrars are different (really different after seeing several). If you renew. gay domain names are also charged about 342 yuan per year, because they are new and popular, and other newly born domain name suffixes have also been registered at high prices before, Over time, it is expected that the price of. gay will gradually recover to the level of general domain names, and some domain name providers will register for the first time GAY also gives free SSL and two free 3GB email addresses.

I think Gay domain name The opening of the Internet will certainly bring a wave of homosexual websites. However, it is estimated that the filing of domestic homosexual websites is a problem. Personally, I think this domain name can only be used for special purposes, and the return on investment is small.

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