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Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Astronomy, Geography, Atmospheric Science
Marine science, geophysics
Biology, geology
History of Systems Science, Science and Technology

University of Science school

Selected Postgraduate Examination Courses Set up an independent course system to make coaching more professional and targeted

2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Accelerated Learning OAO Interactive Course
Class type Price Course content Sign an agreement Learn more
Quick learning OAO
General subject live broadcast protocol class
15800 yuan
Public courses: Basic consolidation course+intensive examination course+practical training course; Five year intensive teaching of test questions+model test (3 times)+finishing class
Professional courses: Special training courses for orientation majors (non orientation majors+10 class hours, 1 to 1); Non directional professional courses (20 class hours/30 class hours, 1 to 1)
Value added courses: Good morning shift+good night shift
Re examination course: Retest online course (comprehensive+oral)
Supporting 9 services: Guidance on selecting schools and specialties+5 times of preparation planning+question answering service; Test service+small class correction (6 times)+teachers with back group; Learning feedback+class management+1v1 psychological counseling
Signing agreement:
Without crossing the national line, RMB 7000 refunded Or free reread
(except for one-to-one) less collection and less refund
Course Details
Quick learning OAO
General practice preliminary examination agreement class
From 21800 yuan
Public courses: Foundation consolidation course+summer training (group training/face-to-face training for 45 days); Practical training courses+5 years of intensive teaching of test questions+model test (5 times); Sprint finishing lesson
Professional courses: Special training courses for orientation majors (non orientation majors+10 class hours, 1 to 1); Non directional professional courses (20 class hours/30 class hours, 1 to 1)
Value added courses: Good morning class+good night class with back 10 class hours 1 on 1 energy pack
Re examination course: Re examination standard class (online/face-to-face)+re examination online class
Supporting 9 services: Guidance on selecting schools and specialties+5 times of preparation planning+question answering service; Test service+small class correction (9 times)+teachers with back group; Learning feedback+class management+1v1 psychological counseling
Signing agreement:
No retest, RMB 10000 refunded Or free reread
(except 1v1) Less collection and less refund
Course Details
Quick learning OAO
All subjects worry free agreement class
(1v20 small class)
From 36800 yuan
Public courses: Foundation consolidation course+summer training (group training/face-to-face training for 45 days); Practical training courses+5 years of intensive teaching of test questions+model test (7 times); Rush finishing class (group training/face-to-face teaching for 30 days)
Professional courses: Directed coaching live class (10 class hours plus 1 to 1 for non unified examination oriented majors); Non directional professional courses (20 class hours/30 class hours, 1 to 1)
Value added courses: Good morning class+good night class with back 20 class hours 1 on 1 energy pack
Re examination course: Re examination agreement class (online/face-to-face)+re examination online class
Supporting 9 services: Guidance on selecting schools and specialties+5 times of preparation planning+question answering service; Test service+small class correction (16 times)+teachers with back group; Learning feedback+class management+1v1 psychological counseling
1. Sign the agreement:
No major reexamination in the target university, RMB 15000 refunded
2. The major of the target university fails to be admitted to the major of the target university in the re examination of the major of the target university Free tuition Or reread
(except for one-to-one) less collection and less refund
Course Details

Systematic evaluation of calibration discipline

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