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When will Fuzhou University's 2025 postgraduate entrance examination enrollment brochure come out? How many people?

Release time: 2024-06-26 17:29:15 | Source: Zhonggong Postgraduate Entrance Examination

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When will Fuzhou University's 2025 postgraduate entrance examination enrollment brochure come out? What is the enrollment of Fuzhou University in 2025? What are the application conditions and procedures? We will sort out the relevant contents for the postgraduate entrance examination.

When will Fuzhou University's 2025 postgraduate entrance examination enrollment brochure come out?

According to the general rules of postgraduate entrance examination and enrollment over the years, the general rules of postgraduate entrance examination and enrollment in 2025 are generally released in July September, and the national postgraduate entrance examination announcement is released in late August. The application time for postgraduate entrance examination starts a few days after the National Day, and the forecast names of the students at school are about a week before the National Day. There will be no major changes in the time of postgraduate entrance examination over the years.

At present, Fuzhou University 2024 Postgraduate Entrance Examination and Enrollment Brochure has not been published yet. Candidates can refer to Fuzhou University 2024 Postgraduate Enrollment Brochure, which is as follows:

1、 Enrollment

In 2024, our school is expected to enroll about 5100 graduate students nationwide. The number of students enrolled and the number of recommended students accepted in each college in the enrollment specialty catalog are estimated plans, which are for reference only. The actual number of enrollment plans will be determined after the national score line is determined according to the actual enrollment plan issued by the country, taking into account the number of online students in each specialty, the actual number of recommended students accepted and the training conditions of the enrollment specialty and other factors.

2、 Enrollment type and tuition standard

(1) Enrollment type

In 2024, postgraduate enrollment will be divided into academic degree postgraduate and professional degree postgraduate. The learning mode will be divided into full-time and part-time. Admission will be divided into non targeted employment and targeted employment.

Full time graduate students refer to graduate students who meet the national postgraduate enrollment regulations, pass the postgraduate entrance examination or other admission methods recognized by the state, are admitted by institutions of higher learning or other institutions of higher education that have the qualification to implement graduate education, and study full-time in school within the basic length of schooling or the length of time specified by the school.

Part time graduate students refer to those who have been admitted by institutions of higher learning or other institutions of higher education that have the qualification to implement graduate education through the postgraduate entrance examination or other admission methods recognized by the state in accordance with the national regulations on postgraduate enrollment, and who are within the basic length of schooling or the length of schooling prescribed by the school (generally, the basic length of schooling should be appropriately extended), Postgraduates who are engaged in other professions or social practice, and take various ways and flexible time arrangements for non full-time study. In principle, part-time postgraduate students should recruit on-the-job targeted employment personnel.

When full-time and part-time graduate students graduate, they will be issued with corresponding graduation certificates indicating the way of study according to their length of schooling, academic achievements, etc. in accordance with relevant national regulations; If their academic level reaches the academic degree standards set by the State, they may apply for the award of corresponding degree certificates. Full time and part-time graduate students adopt the same examination and enrollment policies and training standards, and their academic degrees have the same legal status and effect.

Our school does not carry out the recruitment work of the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" and the work of recruiting graduate students for master's degree through separate examination.

(2) Tuition standard

At present, our school fully implements the tuition system for postgraduate education, and all postgraduate students included in the enrollment plan must pay tuition fees.

The tuition standard for full-time academic degree and professional degree masters is set at 8000 yuan/student · academic year; For part-time professional master degree graduates, different tuition standards are implemented according to their majors (fields), as follows:

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