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Knowledge points for postgraduate examination of TCM diagnostics: slight fever

Release time: 2023-11-27 16:10:37 | Source: China Public Corporation Graduate Examination

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What review knowledge points do examinees who apply for medical postgraduate entrance examination need to master? The medical postgraduate examination column provides the examinees with "knowledge points of TCM diagnostics postgraduate examination: slight fever" test preparation materials, hoping to help the examinees preparing for the medical profession.

Slight fever

Long term mild fever, fatigue is very serious, and fatigue, lack of gas, spontaneous sweating and other symptoms, most of them are qi deficiency fever.

When there is low fever, with white face, dizziness, pale tongue, thin pulse and other symptoms, most of them are blood deficiency fever.

Long term low fever, with symptoms such as zygomatic redness and five heart upset fever, is mostly yin deficiency fever.

Every time there is slight fever due to emotional discomfort, accompanied by chest tightness, irritability and other symptoms, most of them are qi stagnation and fever, also known as depressed heat.

Children who are slightly hot for a long time in the hot summer climate, and who recover in the cool autumn, mostly have fever due to deficiency of both qi and yin.

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