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What are the basic requirements for the adjustment of postgraduate entrance examination in 2024?

Release time: 2024-03-12 10:41:09 | Source: China Public Corporation Postgraduate Entrance Examination

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In 2024, when adjusting for postgraduate entrance examination, candidates should pay attention to and understand the adjustment trend of research institutes in order to apply for adjustment opportunities. This article has sorted out the basic requirements of the 2024 postgraduate entrance examination for candidates to be transferred, hoping to provide help for candidates preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. Quick Query>> Comparative analysis of national line rise and fall over the years | Scores of postgraduate entrance examination and re examination in all colleges and universities | Announcement on the Adjustment of Postgraduates in Major Universities

The preliminary examination results of the transferred candidates must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results of the first volunteer major in the transfer area, and meet the registration conditions of the transferred major. In principle, the first volunteer major of the transfer candidate is the same as the transfer in major, or the preliminary examination subjects are the same as the transfer in major.

Article 66 The first volunteer to apply for the following majors (or special plans) shall comply with the relevant adjustment requirements.

(1) If the candidates who apply for the examination of the care profession (refer to the work study care profession, traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional and western medicine, master of traditional Chinese medicine, sports science, master of sports, and the Ministry of Education will make timely adjustments according to the national strategic needs, social development needs, candidates' application and other factors, the same below) adjust to the care profession, The preliminary examination results must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results for the discipline category of the care specialty in the transfer area.

If a candidate for a non care major is transferred to a care major, his or her preliminary examination results must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results for the discipline category of the non care major corresponding to the transfer area.

The adjustment between work and study care majors, between traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional and western medicine and master of traditional Chinese medicine, and between sports science and master of sports shall be carried out according to the basic requirements for the national preliminary examination results of this kind of care specialty.

(2) Candidates who apply for the master's degree in business administration, public administration, tourism management, engineering management, accounting, library and information, and auditing can apply for mutual transfer, but cannot be transferred to other majors, on the basis of meeting the requirements for the transfer in majors and meeting the basic requirements of the transfer out and transfer in majors in the national preliminary examination results in the transfer in region; Candidates applying for other majors shall not be transferred to the above majors.

(3) Candidates who apply for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers", and apply for transfer to the general plan, must meet the basic requirements of the national preliminary examination results of the relevant disciplines in the transfer area. Those who meet the conditions can enjoy the policy of bonus points for the first test of retired college student soldiers according to the regulations.

Candidates who apply for the general plan can apply for transfer to the special plan if they meet the conditions for applying for the special plan of "retired college student soldiers", and their initial test scores must meet the requirements for the initial test scores of candidates who accept the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" as determined by the relevant recruitment unit. For the transfer between the special plan of "retired college student soldiers" and the general plan, the recruitment unit must organize in strict accordance with the transfer procedures and requirements, and may not directly change the candidates' aspirations or adjust the plan type for re examination admission.

(4) The enrollment unit shall independently determine and publish the performance requirements for its acceptance of the adjustment of postgraduates of clinical medicine degree from other units. The Ministry of Education has designated the basic requirements for the preliminary examination results of master's degree candidates in clinical medicine as the basic requirements for the candidates who apply for master's degree candidates in clinical medicine to transfer to other majors.

Candidates applying for master's degree in clinical medicine can be transferred to other majors according to relevant policies. Candidates applying for other majors (including medical academic degree) cannot be transferred to a professional degree in clinical medicine.

(5) Candidates who apply for a master's degree in law (non law) may not be transferred to other majors, nor may candidates from other majors be transferred to this major.

(6) Candidates who apply for the "High level Key Talents Program for Ethnic Minorities" shall not be transferred outside the program for admission; Those who have not applied for the exam shall not be transferred to the program for admission.

(7) Candidates participating in the separate examination (including the plan for strengthening the military and the plan for aiding Tibet) shall not be transferred.

Note: The content of this article is extracted from《 Regulations on the Administration of Enrollment of Postgraduates in 2024 》, click to view other relevant requirements.

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