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  •  Rpcs3 simulator tutorial

    Rpcs3 simulator tutorial

    October 16, 2015 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    Although the ps3 simulator rpcs3 git has been available for a long time, this simulator is not perfect. The compatibility and speed of the game cannot meet the requirements of normal play, but it still cannot stop some struggling players. In order to facilitate the game

  •  Rpcs3 simulator using handle method

    Rpcs3 simulator using handle method

    April 26, 2017 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    Rpcs3 emulator The ps3 emulator can use the handle. How to set it? Now let's share the setting method of using the handle.

  •  Rpcs3 simulator vulkan rendering enable method

    Rpcs3 simulator vulkan rendering enable method

    June 30, 2017 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    In the rpcs3 simulator, you can get acclaimed simulation effects and screen experience through Kaki Vulkan rendering. Many players may not know how to turn it on. Here's an explanation.

  •  Berwick Story All Characters Joining Conditions [Image]

    Berwick Story All Characters Joining Conditions [Image]

    October 14, 2013 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    As a strategy game similar to the flame heraldry, Berwick Tale has settings similar to those of fe. In some chapters, players can accept some characters as companions to fight. The following is a summary of the joining conditions of these companions

  •  Error resolution of rpcs3 simulator 0xC000001D

    Error resolution of rpcs3 simulator 0xC000001D

    April 17, 2017 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    The rpcs3 simulator is not necessarily applicable to all computer systems. Some computers may have some problems when using the simulator. Here is the 0xC000001D error solution

  •  Installation Tutorial of PS3 Simulator MAME Version

    Installation Tutorial of PS3 Simulator MAME Version

    December 10, 2014 | Editor in charge: Chen godforce01

    I have shared the FBAnext simulator with you before. Although this simulator is perfect, there are still a few games that can't be experienced. So here we share the MAME simulator, which can supplement the parts that the FBAnext simulator can't run

  •  Download the latest version of ps2 simulator and take Zhanshen 2 as an example

    Download the latest version of ps2 simulator and take Zhanshen 2 as an example

    December 7, 2012 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    Recently, the latest version of the PS2 simulator, pcsx2-1.0.0-r5350, was finally introduced. The new version has improved the simulation speed of the simulator again. Many games can reach 60-70 frames. Some games can even run at full speed

  •  Solution of ps2 simulator picture card

    Solution of ps2 simulator picture card

    May 2, 2017 | Editor in charge: Xiao Si

    Some players who use the pcsx2 simulator for the first time may encounter the problem of very poor graphics. There are many reasons for this problem. Here are some solutions.

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