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  •  Iron Fist 7: A gorgeous 3D fighting feast

    Iron Fist 7: A gorgeous 3D fighting feast

    May 31, 2017 | Editor in charge: Rank

    Iron Fist 7 will be fully unlocked on June 2. All aspects of the game have been greatly evolved. Players will have a completely different experience of 3d fighting in this game. The game is inspired by the classic 2d fighting game "Street Fighter" series, which adds

  •  Simple evaluation of the country without night

    Simple evaluation of the country without night

    September 28, 2015 | Editor in charge: Xiao Xin

    The Country Without Night, a PS4 work, has been stolen, and some players have preempted it. However, after the initial experience, there is a feeling of semi-finished products. Here is an introduction to the game systems after personal two-hour experience

  •  Why is the picture of Jiaotuan 1886 so good?

    Why is the picture of Jiaotuan 1886 so good?

    March 14, 2015 | Editor in Charge: Cradle

    The exclusive masterpiece Jiaotuan 1886, launched on the PS4 platform last month, has been recognized by players for its excellent comprehensive quality. The most impressive thing about this game is its beautiful pictures. The picture performance of this game can even be said to be the best of all next-generation console games

  •  Evaluation of the game inFamous: Second Son

    Evaluation of the game inFamous: Second Son

    March 24, 2014 | Editor in charge: bbbbbb2

    InFamous: Second Son This game has attracted many players' attention, so is this game worth their attention? Is the game highly playable? Let's take a look at the detailed review of this game

  •  PS4 First Outbox Evaluation of BOC

    PS4 First Outbox Evaluation of BOC

    March 20, 2015 | Editor in Charge: Seeing Flowers Return in Fog

    The BOC PS4 and BOC PSV consoles have finally been released. Players are most concerned about the lock area and lock service of the game! Now let's share with you a first-hand PS4 national travel all-around open box evaluation brought by players! Players who care about the National Travel Service should never miss it

  •  Detailed evaluation of Flash Track 2

    Detailed evaluation of Flash Track 2

    September 26, 2014 | Editor in Chief: Unlimited Desire

    Flash Track 2 is the latest work in the series, and it is also the work of Falcom's careful production and feedback to the players. We all know that Falcom is better at ARPG than RPG, but this company has continued such pure RPG works until now, and

  •  Comprehensive and detailed evaluation of driving club

    Comprehensive and detailed evaluation of driving club

    October 10, 2014 | Editor in Chief: Zi Buyu

    The driving club has been online for some time. I believe everyone has different opinions on it. In fact, what I want to say is that this is really a very good game. Maybe many players don't know enough about it. The following editor will bring you a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the driving club

  •  Phantom Limits trial evaluation: Cyberpunk style 2D horizontal game

    Phantom Limits trial evaluation: Cyberpunk style 2D horizontal game

    July 30, 2015 | Editor in Chief: Calvin

    On the PS4 platform of the National Bank of China, the home-made game "Phantom Boundaries" confirmed to be launched at the Sony China press conference yesterday has attracted the attention of many players. This game has attracted the attention of some act players with its sci-fi Cyberpunk style and more gorgeous actions

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 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 The image and text evaluation of The Origin of Assassin's Creed is worth buying

 PS4 Archive Modifier is scheduled for release in March!

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