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Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

Time: 2017-11-06 13:54:43 Source: K73 video game home Author: Junior four degree of heat: six hundred and fifteen second

Wanda and Colossus Reproducing is only a few months away. At the recent Paris Game Week exhibition, Sony officially attended the exhibition with this sincere remake, and also provided players with live game trials. The overall experience of the game is excellent. Let's take a look at the graphic evaluation report sent by the live players!

Wanda and Colossus Reproducing is only a few months away. At the recent Paris Game Week exhibition, Sony officially attended the exhibition with this sincere remake, and also provided players with live game trials. The overall experience of the game is excellent. Let's take a look at the graphic evaluation report sent by the live players!

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

Wanda and the Colossus PS4 remaking is open for trial in BCD activities

Wanda and the Colossus is a PS2 action adventure game led by Ueda Literati, the director of Misty Ancient City, and launched in 2005. It describes the magnificent adventure experience of young "Wanda" who, in order to revive a girl who has lost her soul, holds a sword, steps on a horse and fights with the Colossus living in an ancient place. After its launch, it was widely praised around the world and won many awards such as GDCA Game of the Year.

The PS4 remake to be launched this time is jointly produced by SIE WWS JAPAN Studio and Bluepoint Games, the development team of the PS3 HD version. It will be remade with a new generation of hardware standard, and the operating system will also be adjusted with the current mainstream configuration.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

Remake the classic of the past and present it with 4K HDR high quality

The live demo version is presented with PS4 Pro and 4K resolution large screen TV with the highest picture quality. Included the 1st, 3rd and 13th Colossus for the challenge of the players. Before entering the game, you can choose the subtitle language to use, which already contains traditional and simplified Chinese. However, because it is a version under development, there are still a few options that have not yet Chinese culture. The voice part is also the original language of the game.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

After entering the game, the first thing I saw was the real-time computing title animation film that fully demonstrated the quality of the remake and the familiar theme soundtrack, that is, the content of the PGW 2017 promotional film released by Europe and the United States two days ago, which I believe will bring back memories of many players in the past.

The biggest selling point of this remake is "picture quality". Although the English version of HD Remaster or Remake is often called "remaking" when translated into Chinese, the former basically improves the picture effect through some means on the old basis, such as increasing the resolution, replacing higher quality material maps, adding additional light and shadow effects, etc. The basis is still the original thing. The latter is to adopt the original planning, setting and playing methods of the game, and then re create it from scratch (or at least most of it) according to the latest standards of current mainstream games.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

HD Remaster version of PS3

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

Remake version of PS4

This remake of Wanda and the Colossus is the production mode of the latter. The whole picture is completely new, without any sense of PS2 era products. It is completely the level of current 3A games. From the beginning of the temple, the girl waiting for the main character to save, the main characters Wanda and Emma Aguro, and even the ancient landscape and the colossus, the biggest highlight of the game, are depicted in great detail. The original PS2 has already shown excellent performance in creating a vast and boundless landscape atmosphere. Now it is presented with a new generation of high image quality, which is even more shocking.

In addition, the game also fully supports the 4K resolution and HDR effect of the PS4 Pro, so as to experience a higher level.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

However, the original unsmooth feeling on the PS2 caused by hardware performance limitations will no longer occur in the PS4 remaking. Although the remaking can only reach 30fps at 4K resolution and has not been improved to a higher 60fps, the smoothness is quite stable. According to the latest product information released during PGW, the game can support 1080p 60fps mode in PS4 Pro, but it has not been verified on site.

In order to enhance the dynamic feeling of the screen, the game preset will turn on the dynamic blur effect. Some players may not like this effect very much, but fortunately, the dynamic blur effect can be adjusted in the game's setting options, and players who do not like it can adjust it to the weakest. In addition, it also provides a special image filter function, but because it seems that this part has not been completed in the trial version, there is no actual test.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

Operation and interface adjustment and improvement Keep the original atmosphere friendly Modern players

The basic operation of the game is roughly the same as that of PS2, but the configuration of the buttons is adjusted in line with the current mainstream. For example, the jump button is changed from △ to the familiar "✕" button, the roll button is changed from compound button to single button, and the climb button is changed from R1 to R2.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

However, compared with the current mainstream "climbing games" such as "Mysterious Sea Area" and "Assassin's Creed", the climbing of this game requires pressing and holding the button, rather than automatically maintaining. Special attention should be paid to this point, otherwise it is easy to fall down. This is mainly because climbing and grasping is a key element in the action system of the game, which has endurance limitations and needs to be relaxed in time to recover slowly.

In general, the adjusted operation of remaking is much more convenient than that of the original, but it still maintains the feel of the original. There is no friendly mechanism to automatically climb or prevent the border from falling. It is different from the current mainstream games, and it takes a little time to get used to it.

In addition, the game provides many customized options for camera perspective, aiming, head up display (HUD), sound effects, etc. In addition, there are detailed statistics of the game, from the action of the protagonist to the strategic achievements of each colossus, there are records. From here, it can be confirmed that the total number of giant images included is 16, which is the same as the original PS2. At present, it is uncertain whether there are hidden giant images not shown here.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

In the face of the challenge of overwhelming colossus, David faced Goliath alone

The editor personally experienced the strategies of the first and 13th Colossus on the scene. The first Colossus is a novice teaching, not far away from the difficulty is not high, mainly to let players get used to the operation. First, we need to find out the position of the colossus by the direction of the sword, and then ride Emma Aguro to the place where the colossus haunted. It is worth mentioning that the operation of the horse is not as mind driven as in recent games. It needs to turn the horse's head, ride the horse forward, and avoid obstacles. Therefore, the challenge of riding a horse to chase the giant is not low.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

When encountering a colossus, you can also use the sword spotlight to identify the weakness of the colossus. However, even when facing the first colossus, Wanda still seemed extremely small, and could not bear the blow or step of the colossus. The only way to win was to make good use of flexible skills. Players must find out where the colossus can climb (mostly hairy), and find out the weakness along the way to break it. In the process, you may encounter places that cannot be passed by climbing. At this time, you must find out the key to breakthrough, such as attacking the colossus' feet to make it kneel down.

Editing: Because the radio part is through earphones, the volume and left/right balance are not satisfactory. Please forgive me

Because editors have been accustomed to the convenience settings of climbing games in recent years, they were not able to grasp the essentials of climbing at the beginning, which is called "from luxury to frugality". In addition, there is no indication in the game that those parts of the terrain can be climbed. Sometimes, they can't find the path to climb, or they fall down when the road goes awry, or they forget to press R2 and can't grasp things Etc. Fortunately, I got used to it after practicing for a while.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

Later, the 13th Colossus with higher difficulty (that is, the flying Colossus shown in this PGW film) was more handy. However, in the demonstration of the official film, the three weaknesses of the Colossus were overcome at one go. Because the editor had no time to rush to the next weakness before the tumbling and diving after each weakness of the Colossus was broken, it was repeated landing and climbing for three times before breaking.

 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

The ups and downs between the tightness during the game and the relaxation after the game let the editor deeply feel the clairvoyance of the game.


 Wanda and the Colossus Reprinted

The editor himself has experienced the process of PS2 original publication, listing and wide acclaim in that year. Although he only tried a little and did not play in depth in that year, he still left a deep impression on the atmosphere of this game. In 2011, although there was an enhanced migration version of PS3, it was based on the original PS2, which has limited appeal for players accustomed to HD generation games. After 12 years, it is now making a new appearance in the form of remaking, and the overall standard is completely up to the latest generation standard. It can be regarded as a classic and delicious meal for both old players and new players, and it is worth looking forward to.

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 Wanda and Colossus

Wanda and Colossus

Game platform: PS3 PS4 PS2

Game type: action cosplay adventure to open up

Date of Sale: 2013-2-7 Release date of all versions
PS2 Chinese version: 2012-08-20
PS3 Chinese version: 2013-2-7

Game version: Chinese version Bank of China Simplified Chinese

Game tag: Game recommendation Classic Games Game leaderboard


Total score Player rating: thirty-nine K73 Score: fifty
frame: eight
plot: eight
System: eight
music: eight
Playable: seven

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