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The latest notice of "Pillar of Eternity 2: Dead Fire" is released! Log in to Steam on May 8

Time: 2018-03-27 09:27:54 Source: K73 video game home Author: Junior four degree of heat: two hundred and eighty-five second

Column of Eternity 2: Dead Fire is an RPG game produced by obsidian studio. Although the release date is skipped, the official released the latest trailer today to calm the waiting players. The latest trailer shows the creation of characters and battle scenes in the game, and the official promises to release more game content and demonstration videos before the release.

Column of Eternity 2: Dead Fire is an RPG game produced by obsidian studio. Although the release date is skipped, the official released the latest trailer today to calm the waiting players. The latest trailer shows the creation of characters and battle scenes in the game, and the official promises to release more game content and demonstration videos before the release.

Although the ticket for Obsidian's "Pillar of Eternity 2: Dead Fire" was skipped, today the official released a new trailer showing the elements of the game such as fighting, sailing and character creation.

 The latest notice of "Pillar of Eternity 2: Dead Fire" is released! Log in to Steam on May 8

In addition to supporting the inheritance of the old characters in the first generation game, players can also use various customizations to create new characters. There is also a new multi class system in the game, allowing players to use multiple classes. In addition, there are preset teammates in the game. For example, you will meet Maia Rua, who is a well-trained captain.

 The latest notice of "Pillar of Eternity 2: Dead Fire" was released! Log in to Steam on May 8

Speaking of captain, there will be a lot of ship navigation operations, customization and combat in the game, and there will also be a lot of different cities to explore.

Column of Eternity 2: Dead Fire will be released on May 8, 2018, and will be launched on the PC. Steam will sell for 138 yuan in China and support simplified Chinese.

At the end of 2018, Column of Eternity 2: Dead Fire will also be launched on three major home console platforms: PS4, Xbox One and Switch.

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