Ark Survival and Evolution Confirm login to NS! It will become the highest quality game of Switch - k73 Game Home

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Ark Survival and Evolution Confirm login to NS! Will become the highest quality game of Switch

Time: 2018-03-22 10:09:02 Source: K73 video game home Author: Junior four degree of heat: four hundred and sixty-nine second

After Wildcard announced that Ark: Survival and Evolution will log on to iOS and Android platforms this spring, it was recently announced at the game developer conference that it will log on to the Switch platform this autumn. Ark: Survival and Evolution will also become the highest quality game on Switch at present. However, due to the low performance of the switch, some optimizations and adjustments need to be made to the game.

After Wildcard announced that Ark: Survival and Evolution will log on to iOS and Android platforms this spring, it was recently announced at the game developer conference that it will log on to the Switch platform this autumn. Ark: Survival and Evolution will also become the highest quality game on Switch at present. However, due to the low performance of the switch, some optimizations and adjustments need to be made to the game.

 Ark Survival and Evolution Confirm login to NS! Will become the highest quality game of Switch

At the recent game developer conference, the Ark: Survival and Evolution in Nintendo Switch portable mode was first disclosed at the theme speech of the illusory engine.

In his speech, Ralph Egas, CEO of Abstraction, said that although the game demonstration can only do some basic actions at present, there is no way to start creating any objects. However, in most cases, the screen can be maintained close to 30 fps.

In addition, Egas also mentioned that although the performance of Nintendo Switch is indeed not as good as that of other home platforms, the gap is not as big as people think. In some places, it can even be seen from a close look. Therefore, compared with other home platforms, it is not as bad as expected.

However, the real problem lies in the game clip. Since the 32GB clip is quite expensive, the production team needs to put everything into the 16GB clip, which is maddening.

Fortunately, there are many parts of the game that can be deleted and will not be noticed, so Ark: Survival and Evolution will launch a retail version and complete the whole game with additional download content.

In addition, the memory usage during game execution is not as large as that of other platforms, which means that some content needs to be deleted. For example, we can reduce the number of dinosaurs, but the actual number of dinosaurs will be reduced after deletion. The rest will be executed by the compression algorithm.

32g cards really need to be complained about. All kinds of game collections choose 16g tapes plus download codes, and some games choose to run games that require more than 10 g tapes plus download content. It really hurts players and annoys manufacturers.

Nintendo has dragged host games back from the era of CD to the era of cassette. Fortunately, now the network is developed and can use downloads to supplement the capacity.

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 Survival and evolution of ark

Survival and evolution of ark

Game platform: PS4 Xbox One PC NS

Game type: action adventure to open up

Date of Sale: 2016-12-31 Release date of all versions
PC Chinese version: 2016-12-31
PC US: 2015-06-02
PC Chinese version: 2015-6-2

Game version: American edition

Game tag: Funny games


Total score Player rating: forty-five K73 Score: forty-four
frame: nine
plot: nine
System: nine
music: nine
Playable: nine

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