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Evaluation of the Witch of the Zero Ru Crow

  •  Complete evaluation of "The Witch of Zero Ru Crow"

    Complete evaluation of "The Witch of Zero Ru Crow"

    Updated on: September 27, 2014

    Although "The Sorceress of Zero Ru Crow" was officially released today, many players have passed the customs. Although the evaluation of the game is still good now, for those who do not play it, what is good and what is bad is true. Here we bring "Zero Ru..." [View full text]

  •  The score of "The Witch of the Zero Ru Crow" was released and 33 points were missed

    The score of "The Witch of the Zero Ru Crow" was released and 33 points were missed

    Updated on: September 24, 2014

    Next Sunday, the market will welcome the release of several new works. Among them, WiiU platform's "The Witch of the Zero Moire Crow", PS3/PS4 platform's "Destiny", "Plants Fighting Zombie Garden War" and other works are expected by many players. What will the performance of these works be? following... [View full text]

  •  Comments on "The Witch of the Zero Ru Crow"

    Comments on "The Witch of the Zero Ru Crow"

    Updated on: September 26, 2014

    The latest Japanese horror masterpiece of the author of "The Sorceress of the Zero Ru Crow" after a period of time, from the evaluation of Famiton, it is still OK, from the rating of D, it can be seen that the horror atmosphere is sufficient, and the function of wiiu also makes the picture better. Yesterday, we first made a round [View full text]

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