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 Dream simulation war

Dream simulation war

Game platform: PSP 3DS Android iOS

Game type: strategy cosplay

Date of Sale: 2015-07-23 Release date of all versions
3DS, New 3DS Daily Edition: 2015-07-23
3DS, New 3DS Chinese version: 2016-4-19

Game version: Japanese edition American edition Chinese version Bank of China Simplified Chinese

Game tag: Game recommendation Classic Games Funny games Game leaderboard


Total score Player rating: thirty-three K73 Score: forty-five
frame: seven
plot: seven
System: six
music: seven
Playable: six
Image and text introduction

The 3ds Dream Simulation War Rebirth is the latest work of a series of landing on the handheld platform. As the latest work after many years, this work tried to add more new content at the beginning of development, such as the new elements of cavalry, engineers, etc., and also added the modern computer punk style on the basis of the previous Western fantasy style. The story of the game is rather old-fashioned. The hero with the holy sword decides to fight with the Imperial Legion by his sword in order to save the helpless girl. The game supports a maximum of 10v10 battles, and the characters in the battle are also full 3D modeling.


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