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Diablo 2 heavy plate making installation free computer version

 Diablo 2 heavy plate making installation free computer version

  • Operating platform: PC
  • Resource type: role play
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: Blizzard
  • Issued: 2021-12-31
  • Add time: 2021-02-20 09:32:03
  • Resource size: 22.6 GB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition: PC Chinese version

Resource screenshot


The installation free computer version of Diablo 2 is a remake of the well-known ARPG Diablo 2. This remake not only includes the original content, but also includes the subsequent large-scale expansion film King of Destruction, which brings players a new 7.1 stereo channel. It also includes the original image and more system optimizations. The image is also brand new, Absolutely one of the most interesting works this year.

Diablo 2 heavy plate making installation free computer version features

Absolutely addictive gaming experience

The original version is extremely rich in content and massive play methods

The picture effect explodes into an absolutely refreshing battle

Support the multiplayer online cooperative operation of Battle Network

Rich professions, talents, skills, tasks and rewards

Introduction to Diablo 2 Heavy Plate Free Computer Edition Game

Lead a large army into war
Diablo II: Rebirth of Prison Fire includes a cooperative game that supports up to eight players, and each player can use one mercenary. Although the minions of Flame Hell will become stronger and stronger, they will never be your opponents!

Get ready to relive the epic adventure. This game is the pioneer of action role-playing games, laying an important foundation for similar games in the next few decades. Blizzard Entertainment announced "Diablo II: The Rebirth of Prison Fire" at today's BlizzConline event, which is the ultimate remake of the classic "Diablo II" and its expansion film "Diablo II: The King of Destruction". The installation free computer version of Diablo 2 is a new remake of Blizzard's classic action rpg game Diablo 2. The remake includes all the contents of the original Diablo 2 and Diablo 2's King of Destruction. At the same time, the screen has been comprehensively produced, including character modeling, skill effects, dungeon shadows The boss styling is comprehensively strengthened, and many new contents such as cross platform archive sharing, classic picture switching, and storage space increase are added to bring you the most original touch.

Reproduced version of the classic of the times

Diablo II: Prison Fire Rebirth is a remake of the classic action role-playing game Diablo II. Chase and kill the mysterious dark wanderers, fight against the claws of hell, and uncover the fate of Diablo, Mephisto and Barr, the three sources of evil; Exquisite content is grandly presented on the PC platform with 4K (2160p) high image quality. Diablo II: Prison Fire Rebirth Game features:

1. Reprint image quality - monsters, heroes, items, spells and other contents are updated comprehensively.
2. An epic story told through five chapters.
3. Classic game play - the super popular Diablo II that players are familiar with reappears classic.
4. Added support.
5. It is expected to support cross platform progress function - no matter which platform you play through, you can continue the previous game progress.

The King of Destruction returns strongly

The installation free computer version of Diablo 2 is a remake of Blizzard's classic ARPG masterpiece Diablo 2. After many years, the new remake has finally been reborn with a modern engine, while still retaining the original image, and players can also play all the contents of the original version and the expansion film The King of Destruction, And there are new additions waiting for your discovery. Diablo II: Prison Fire Rebirth includes all the game content from Diablo II and its epic expansion film Diablo II: King of Destruction. Fight in the cold caves, the horrible tombs where undead monsters rage, and the icebound waste soil at the sharp peak of Mount Arete, and prevent the evil plan of the destruction king Barr. Play the insidious and cunning assassin and the ferocious and brutal druid, the two "King of Destruction" professions, launch a relentless offensive to wipe out the enemy. Assassins are masters of using traps and shadows; The druid is a powerful shaper and summoner, and can launch primitive elemental magic.

Includes all original game content including the expansion of the King of Destruction

The handle is more prominent than the original

Fully enhanced pictures, sound effects, fighting skills, etc

Across all platforms and supports archive sharing

Outstanding original mature system and play method

Support online cooperation of multiple people on Blizzard Battle Network

Includes all contents of Diablo 2 and Diablo 2, the King of Destruction

The overall evolution of picture effect and sound effect and the sincere inclusion of the original content

Support online cooperation of many people on Battle Network

More refined optimization in system play

Diablo 2 heavy plate making installation free computer version game features

-Cross platform archiving
-Can switch back to the classic picture
-Dolby 7.1 support
-Rework the transition animation
-Redesign UI
-Store empty promotion

High quality reproduction
The terrible devil, the brave adventurer, the world of Saint Hugh Ariel, all the prison fires are reborn. Admire the characters in the game world with the 4K (2160p) super high image quality of PC reproductions, or enjoy the original Diablo II in a nostalgic style. You can switch back and forth between the two image qualities by pressing a button.

Each class in Diablo II: Rebirth of Prison Fire can use 30 skills. Which hero do you want to choose?

Amazon female soldiers are masters of javelin and bow and arrow, and they can deal with all kinds of war situations with their extraordinary agility. She will use the power of magic to further strengthen the already powerful martial arts skills.

The assassin is a member of the ancient Fischley organization, which was established to hunt and kill uncontrolled mages; Assassins are experts in learning martial arts. They know how to use deadly traps and shadow cultivation to eliminate evil.

The necromancer is in charge of life and death, so this terrible pharmacist has special ability to summon skeleton armies and magic images, and can also use deadly poisons, curses and skeleton skills against the enemy.

The barbarian is a wanderer who has no fixed residence. He is powerful and has a strong body. At the same time, he has a thorough understanding of weapons. He can launch powerful melee attacks, and use battle roar to strengthen allies and reduce the morale of the enemy.

The paladin
The Paladin's firm belief is his weapon and shield. The paladin exudes a powerful aura, combined with superb martial arts and defensive enchantment, while recapturing the land of mankind, the devil returns to the abyss.

The learned magic envoy can command all major elements and launch fire, ice and lightning spells from a distance to defeat the enemy. These skills are very suitable for attacking the evil army of the Flaming Hell.

The druid is responsible for taking care of the nature in the wild. He can turn into a fierce werewolf and fight with the bear man and the command animal partners, and use primitive magic to control the earth, fire, wind, ice and other forces to cause devastating attacks.

Estimated cross platform progress of functions
We expect to launch a cross platform progress function to continue the game progress anytime and anywhere. Players can continue the original game progress no matter which game platform they use to play Diablo II: Prison Fire Rebirth.
Play a role in the game and loot on all supported game platforms.
Levels, tasks, game progress, skills, talents and other game contents can be inherited.
You need to have a connected account and purchase Diablo II: Rebirth of Prison Fire separately on each supported platform to use the cross platform progress function.

The game features of breaking graves and rebirth
You have found a series of game features that can help you brave the bottomless abyss of the horrible hell.
Heavy plate making ladder season
Join the ranks of players around the world, kill the enemy in Diablo II: Rebirth of Prison Fire, and compete to see who can become the top player. Upgrade in the new and exclusive skyladder system with higher restart frequency, and become one of the legends.

Redesigned user interface
Diablo II: Prison Fire Rebirth provides advanced character page attribute information, item prompt information comparison, automatic team formation for multiplayer games, and more new and improved user interfaces.

Extended storage box
The original personal storage box with more space to store more loot has been expanded, and we have also added a shared storage box page. Players now have more time to * * demons and collect loot, and do not need to organize the storage box as hard as before.
The space of personal storage box is increased from 6x8 to 10x10.
All roles under the same account can use the shared locker page.
Players can easily transfer equipment between hero characters without having to spend much time moving.

Diablo 2 remaking installation free computer version game video

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Related resources: Diablo series Diablo 2 Prison Fire Rebirth Diablo 2 Diablo

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 Diablo 2 Double Plate

Diablo 2 Double Plate

Game platform: PS4 Xbox One PC NS

Game type: action cosplay Magic

Date of Sale: 2021-12-31 Release date of all versions
PC Chinese version: 2021-12-31

Game version: Japanese edition American edition Chinese version Bank of China Simplified Chinese

Game tag: Game recommendation Classic Games Funny games Online games


Total score Player rating: thirty-five K73 Score: forty-nine
frame: seven
plot: seven
System: seven
music: seven
Playable: seven

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