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The Last Primitive Man Fruit plate version v1.1.47

 The last primitive v1.1.47 fruit plate version

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The Last Primitive Man is a game full of fun and challenges, suitable for all players who like survival adventure games. In this game, players can experience the challenges of survival and the fun of development in the primitive era, and also enjoy the sense of achievement brought by strategies and techniques.

The last primitive game review

Fruit plate version of the game

Rich role selection

Unique fighting style

New exploration and adventure

Introduction to the last primitive man game

The Last Primitive Man is a survival adventure game based on the primitive era. In this game, players will play a primitive person to experience the challenges of survival from the Stone Age to modern society.

The main goal of the game is survival and development. Players need to collect resources, make tools and weapons, hunt and defend beasts and other hostile tribes. At the same time, players also need to establish their own tribes to trade and compete with other tribes through cooperation and competition.

There are many different tasks and challenges in the game, including hunting, gathering, building, exploring and defending. Players need to use wisdom and courage to overcome difficulties and challenges and constantly develop their own tribes.

The game has beautiful pictures and realistic sound effects. Players can feel the style and atmosphere of the primitive era, and can also enjoy the excitement and sense of achievement brought by the survival challenges.

The last primitive game features

1. Each profession has its unique skills and fighting style, and players can choose according to their own preferences and game needs

2. The main fighting methods in the game are melee and bow and arrow attacks. Players can use primitive methods to hunt and fight with bows, arrows, axes, etc

3. This kind of fighting style not only requires players to master fighting skills, but also requires players to be good at using environment and weapons to achieve the best fighting effect

4. Players can conquer ancient beasts together with warriors from other tribes, such as Meng mammoth, dinosaur, rhinoceros, etc

5. The spirit of cooperation and sharing has been well reflected in the game

6. The exploration and adventure elements in the game are very rich. Players can explore freely in the vast game world and discover new places and resources

7. There are many unknown areas waiting for players to explore, which adds more mystery and challenge to the game

The last primitive highlights

1. Players can upgrade their weapons and equipment and improve their fighting ability by collecting materials and making them

2. As the game progresses, players can also unlock new skills and equipment, bringing more variables and strategies to the game

3. The 3D cartoon style is adopted. The picture quality is very good and the sound effect is very realistic, which adds more immersion and immersion to the game

4. The game is full of fun and challenges. It has rich role choices, unique fighting methods, social interaction, exploration and adventure

5. Equipment and upgrading, as well as exquisite painting style and sound effects, bring players a new game experience

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Related resources: Stone Age The Last Primitive Man

 The last original version

The last original version

Game platform: Android iOS

Game type: cosplay card Round system

Date of Sale: 2024-04-02 Release date of all versions
Android, iOS Chinese: 2024-04-02
Android, iOS Chinese: 2024-04-02
Android, iOS Chinese: 2024-04-02

Game version: Chinese version

Game tag: Collections


Total score Player rating: forty-six K73 Score: forty-eight
frame: eight
plot: ten
System: nine
music: ten
Playable: nine

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