Ninth Tour Edition of Zhimeng Forest - uc Edition of Zhimeng Forest Download v1.0.24 Ninth Tour End-k73 Game Home

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Dream weaving forest Jiuyou version v1.0.24

 Zhimeng Forest v1.0.24 Jiuyou Edition

  • Operating platform: Android, iOS
  • Resource type: leisure and intelligence
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: Anhui Leihu Network Technology Co., Ltd
  • Issued: 2024-03-20
  • Add time: 2023-09-26 14:33:05
  • Resource size: 765.6 MB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition:
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The Ninth Tour of Dream Weaving Forest is a mobile game for different world goblin forest management. Players will interact with various strange and lovely goblins in the magical Rongrong Village, participate in farmland management, plant crops, manage homes, participate in social activities, and establish friendship with other players. The game provides a relaxed entertainment experience, allowing players to enjoy a warm and cured rural life.

Comments on Zhimeng Forest

Warm and Healing Village Simulation

Various strange and lovely goblins

Run your own farmland and crops

Leisure and relaxed entertainment experience

Introduction to Zhimeng Forest

Players will encounter all kinds of strange and lovely goblins in the magical Rongrong Village, and establish contact and interaction with them. In the game, you can participate in agricultural activities, plant crops, manage farms, and possibly cooperate with goblins to improve the yield and quality of crops

Allow players to customize and decorate their homes to make them unique, establish friendship with other players, participate in forest parties and social activities, and increase the interactivity of the game

It emphasizes the relaxed and pleasant game experience, so that players can get rid of the pressure of real life and enjoy rural life. In the game, players will encounter various strange and lovely goblins, establish contact with them, learn their stories, and spend rural life together.

Features of Zhimeng Forest

1. Fantastic goblin world: The game background is set in a magical Rongrong village, where you will encounter all kinds of strange and lovely goblins with unique characteristics and abilities

2. Goblin farming: in the game, you can participate in agricultural activities, plant various crops, take care of animals and plants, manage the farm, so as to improve the yield and quality of agricultural products. The goblins can also help you complete the farm work

3. Home decoration: You can customize and decorate your home to make it unique. From house to courtyard, you can choose different decorations and furniture to beautify your home

4. Friendly interaction: establish friendship with other players, invite them to participate in forest parties and various social activities, cooperation and interaction will increase the fun of the game

5. Leisure and entertainment: the game focuses on leisure and relaxation, so that you can get away from the pressure of real life and enjoy a relaxed and happy farming life

6. Featured goblins and mounts: The game may provide a variety of featured goblins and mounts for players to choose, so as to enhance the diversity and fun of the game

7. Full platform support: The "Dream Weaving Forest" mobile game supports multiple platforms, allowing more players to play the game

Zhimeng Forest Highlights

1. Interact with various goblins in the magical Rongrong Village to build friendship

2. Participate in farmland management, plant various agricultural products, and improve output and quality

3. Customize and decorate your home to create a unique rural style

4. Interact with other players, participate in social activities and parties

5. Enjoy leisure and entertainment, escape from the busy real life and immerse in the cured rural life

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Related resources: Dream weaving forest Cartoon games

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