Kingdom of Kings Legendary Mobile Tour - Kingdom of Kings Legendary Game Download v4.0.0 the latest version - k73 Game Home

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Legendary Tour of Kingdom of Kings v4.0.0

 Kingdom of Kings Legendary Mobile Tour v4.0.0

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"Kingdom of Kings" experience the exquisite legendary world game content playing method, super match competition mode setting, blood passion to enjoy the pk match content, the best costumes to get the game, magnificent match competition experience, diverse scene setting, interested players to try it.

Comments on the legendary mobile game of the kingdom of kings

Exquisite and cool scene battle settings

Blood Passion PK Battle Mode

Get the game play method of the best costume

Diversified scene selection game

Introduction to Legendary Tour of the Kingdom of Kings

The Kingdom of Kings is an action role-playing game that breaks through the traditional playing methods, real-time competitive PK, and has ultra-high definition picture quality. Here, we will create a magnificent game world for you.

The chaos has reopened, and the Yama continent has undergone great changes. The once dominant mysterious race has returned to Yinjiayue Island, and the newly born three major ethnic groups, namely, the human race, the Neal race, and the half orc race, have occupied the Yama continent. In order to fight for the domination of the Yama continent, the three ethnic groups began a long and endless struggle. The Terran once learned skills and knowledge from the mysterious race. When the Terran found that it could not defeat the enemy alone, it found the mysterious race living in seclusion on the Jiayue Island and asked for help. So, as a descendant of the mysterious race, you left Jiayue Island to follow humans to Ginkgo Village in order to restore the glory of your ancestors. You joined the human race as a recruit and fought against the enemy

Legendary mobile tour features of the kingdom of kings

The Kingdom of Kings is an action role-playing game that breaks through the traditional playing methods, real-time competitive PK, and has ultra-high definition picture quality. Here, we will create a magnificent game world for you.

This is a new world that is both familiar and unfamiliar. There are not only the main plot and daily tasks that need to be completed by one person, but also the exquisite and rich equipment system and diversified scene design, as well as the PVP core game of real-time confrontation of many people.

The advanced technology of the game client enables real-time combat experience, so that players can fight at any time, anywhere, and enjoy the fun of fighting.

The extremely pleasant combat operations, lively battle pictures and diversified scenes provide players with a refreshing, warm and lifelike game fighting experience.

How to play the legendary mobile game system of Kingdom of Kings

The practice room system is divided into multiple levels according to different difficulty levels, and rewards can be obtained after a successful challenge.

The Sky Tower system is divided into different difficulty levels according to the reincarnation level, and rewards can be obtained after the challenge is successful.

The arena system allows players to improve their ranking by challenging other players. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards.

The mining system is also a place full of fun and opportunities. Players have the opportunity to mine three times a day at the beginning, and recover every two hours if less than three times. Players can plunder other mining trumpets, and will get some rewards after successful looting.?

Through the Sky Tower or various activities, players can obtain different levels of star life, and the upper limit of star life of different levels is different. Set a set of star life and have additional set attribute bonus?!

Players can obtain totem cards of different grades by digging BOSS or recharging gift bags. A set of totems will have additional attribute bonus!?

In addition, players can also obtain different fashions and titles through different activities, and magic costumes and other props obtained in the game can also be displayed.?

Recommended mobile game download

Legends Come v1.0 Premium

  • Type: cosplay
  • size: 6.24 MB
  • Platform: iOS, Android
  • Language: Official Chinese version
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Related resources: Classic Games Kingdom of Kings Legendary mobile game

 The Complete Manual of Kingdom of Kings

The Complete Manual of Kingdom of Kings

Game platform: Android iOS

Game type: cosplay

Date of Sale: 2023-3-25 Release date of all versions
IOS, Android Chinese: 2023-3-25
IOS, Android Chinese: 2023-3-25
Android, iOS Chinese: 2023-3-25
Android, iOS Chinese: 2023-3-25

Game version: Chinese version

Game tag: Classic Games Funny games Collections


Total score Player rating: zero K73 Score: forty-eight
frame: zero
plot: zero
System: zero
music: zero
Playable: zero

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