Berry Melody official download Berry Melody berry melody Android download v2.1.7 latest version - k73 Game House

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Berry Melody Official download v2.1.7

 Official download of Berry Melody v2.1.7

  • Operating platform: Android, iOS
  • Resource Type: Music
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: 1dealGas
  • Issued: 2024-3-31
  • Add time: 2024-05-06 08:39:27
  • Resource size: 403.01 MB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition:
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Official Download of Berry Melody is a very interesting music mobile game. Players can choose different music rhythms to challenge different levels in the game. The two-dimensional character design gives users a perfect game experience. There are also different playing methods and painting styles waiting for players to experience. Come and download the game and enter the music world!

Comments by Berry Melody

Quadratic Game Character Design

All kinds of music

Super multi chapter waiting for players to challenge

More rhythmic to complete the music

About Berry Melody

The incomparably refreshing music rhythm game, the exquisite vertical drawing and various character chapters attract players to try every time to get new surprises. The overall rhythm content of simple operation and arc line falling play is interesting enough. The game gives players the dual impact of music and vision through professional music and visual effects, Push players into resonance and resonance state.

There will be a lot of music playing in each chapter, and the thrilling adventure will bring you a new experience. A variety of songs can challenge you, and painters of different styles can present different worlds for you. The challenge will present many exquisite illustrations, and a variety of painting styles will allow you to experience different adventures.

The intoxicating game of the second dimension music rhythm. In this game, players will play a musical genius, go through the dreamlike music world, and challenge various rhythm levels with smart fingertips and sharp ears. There are a variety of music styles in the game, from cheerful pop songs to subtle classical music, as well as exciting rock music, allowing you to enjoy the interweaving of voice and melody.

Berry Melody Features

Many exquisite illustrations will appear in the challenge, and a variety of painting styles will make you experience different adventures.

There will be a lot of music playing in each chapter of Berry Melody, and the thrilling adventure will bring you a new experience.

The songs are diverse, feel the stories contained in the songs, and update the works of many outstanding composers at home and abroad from time to time.

It adopts exquisite and exquisite two-dimensional painting style with bright colors and full of tension to create a grand and fantastic game atmosphere.

It provides a variety of different game modes, including classic mode, breakthrough mode and cooperation mode, to meet the needs of players for different game experiences.

Massive and constantly updated tracks cover all kinds of music types, and players can choose challenges according to their own preferences.

The new style of singing version is waiting for you to experience, and the unique music library allows you to choose.

There are many beautiful illustrations waiting for you to enjoy. The rich difficulties can be switched at will.

Berry Melody Play

1. Players may also need to load some data after downloading on this site.

 Official download of Berry Melody v2.1.7

2. Then enter the game player can click to start the game.

 Official download of Berry Melody v2.1.7

3. Select a chapter to enter the game.

 Official download of Berry Melody v2.1.7

4. Enter the game to start a novice tutorial.

 Official download of Berry Melody v2.1.7

5. The operation is also very simple. Follow the rhythm and try it.

 Official download of Berry Melody v2.1.7

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Related resources: Sound swim Berry Melody Rhythm game

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