12th Century Levant Beta - 12th Century Levant Download v0.1.2 Game-k73 Game House

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Levant in the 12th century Beta v0.1.2

 12th Century Levant v0.1.2 Beta

  • Operating platform: iOS, Android
  • Resource Type: Policy
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: Kulan Zhimeng Technology Co., Ltd
  • Issued: 2024-4-2
  • Add time: 2024-04-03 10:31:08
  • Resource size: 624.94 MB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition:
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Levant in the 12th Century is a mobile game of horse riding and killing. Many players are excited by the mobile version of horse riding and killing. Mobile games have added elements of business strategy. They can join an Arab world and build their homes through their own efforts. The contents of enemy confrontation and play are quite rich.

Comments on Levant in the 12th Century

Pure free, free of charge

Wandering in the desert world

The forces in the game are very complex

You need to defend against more intrusions

Levant Strategy in the 12th Century

Put up a flag to increase enthusiasm, and assign more tasks than people, otherwise some people will have nothing to do.

Save settings Where do you save settings?

Just press the back button on the phone

What's the name of the Steam version?

Build and conquer

Introduction to territory construction: Portal

Introduction to Levant in the 12th Century

Levant in the 12th Century is a comprehensive game work that deeply combines business strategy and real-time strategy (RTS) playing method. After just three months, a team of five people has ingeniously created a prototype version of the game. The historical background of this game is rooted in the volatile 12th century, focusing on the Middle East during the Crusade, especially the Arab world full of conflicts and opportunities.

In the game, players will play the role of a young lord who rises in adversity and faces many challenges in the desert of extreme poverty. In the harsh environment, you need to lead the people who have experienced many vicissitudes to re-establish a prosperous home, and constantly strengthen their own strength, resist foreign invasion, step by step to the peak of power, and regain the glorious hegemony of the past.

In this game, players should not only carefully plan and steadily develop their own cities, improve their territorial strength through resource management, facility construction, economic system construction and other business elements, but also show excellent strategic vision and tactical wisdom. In the face of unexpected emergencies and the invasion of hostile forces, players must quickly make decisions, mobilize the army, develop tactics, effectively defend and launch timely counterattacks, so as to stabilize their positions in the turbulent times, and finally stand out in the competition of major forces and win the strategic contest on the historical stage.

Evaluation of Levant Players in the 12th Century

I have played the horse riding and chopping series for several years, so I give you five stars, representing support. If this game is done well, we must pay attention to the balance of arms between several countries. The picture and character modeling should be gradually enhanced. Under the premise of rich plots, the freedom of the game should not be affected. The most important thing is that diplomacy should pay attention to the continuation of its own family, We can learn from the national policy of riding and chopping, and the game is not far from success

There are still some shortcomings in the operation of the mobile game version of riding and chopping. Farmers can't control what they do with the panel. They are tired of using their hands. The panel is too rough to use building collection instead of subdivision

Well, this kind of game is, uh, medium to high. It can play some large games. Because this game is co operated by several people, it is not very big or delicate. You can play it. It is very, very playable

It's very interesting. It integrates castle construction, operation, forging, leading, fighting and trade. Very endurable! Highly recommended

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