AD Mobile Tour - AD Game Download v1.0.7 Android Version - k73 Game Home

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A.D Mobile game v1.0.7

 AD v1.0.7 Mobile Tour

  • Operating platform: Android, iOS
  • Resource type: role play
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: Shenyang Fanjindou Information Technology Co., Ltd
  • Issued: 2024-3-6
  • Added on: 2024-03-07 08:59:14
  • Resource size: 7.07 MB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition:
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"AD Tour" provides players with a world full of classical and elegant Chinese ink immortality. Players can freely choose careers and roles, experience exciting adventure battles, and enjoy rich rewards and immersive challenges brought by the game.

Comments on AD

Fine clothes and exquisite scene details

Enable players to fully immerse themselves

Experience the charm of the world of cultivating immortals

In the world of ink painting

Introduction to A.D

The "AD" mobile game has undoubtedly opened a door to the fairyland for many players. Xiuxian, an ancient and mysterious dream, has now been realized in the game. Isn't it flying with the sword and releasing magic power? Under the shackles of the real world, these seem to be out of reach, but in the world of AD, you will become the immortal who dominates your own destiny.

Step into the game, and you will embark on an extraordinary road to immortality. Cultivating, refining weapons, going through disasters, fighting with monsters, and competing with other major sects are not dreams. There are also five element magic powers waiting for you to learn. The magic weapons can be matched as you like, and endless fun of cultivating immortals can be found in them.

In short, the "AD" mobile tour will take you into a world full of oriental mysteries. Here, you will become a real immortal and experience the wonders and freedom beyond reality.

Introduction to the Utilization of Resources in A.D

1. Yuanbao. Yuanbao should not be used to buy resources. You can buy resources with diamonds or contributions. The gold ingots are mainly used to chase spirit beasts and buy gold ingot boxes and equipment boxes for auction.

 AD v1.0.7 Mobile Tour

2. Diamonds, diamond drawing skills, diamond buying adventures, fate, time limited gift packages, and powerful diamond activities will follow. When it comes to diamonds, hit Zong Men and get help to get the mvp. Damage to the mvp box is ignored directly.

 AD v1.0.7 Mobile Tour

The purpose of buying a yuan treasure box is to open a large amount of yuan treasure. The equipment box is opened in orange and purple, so that the auction house will not go to Shengxing.

Highlights of AD

National style of ink painting, elegant and refined
Not to be unique, but to be unique. This is the Xiuxian style presented by the "AD" mobile tour - the perfect combination of Chinese ink painting and national style art, just like a beautiful and refined picture.

Hang up to repair immortals and be carefree
The world is full of troubles. Why be bound by games? In AD, even if you are offline, you can collect the essence of the sun and the moon, hang up and practice, easily cross the realm, and finally reach the top of the fairyland.

Strategy first, fighting against the sky
There are countless choices waiting for you to match with the secret collection of skill and magic. The ever-changing combination of strategies makes you invincible on the road of cultivating immortals and walk alone in the sky.

Accompanied by immortal couple, we went to the fairyland
On the way of cultivating immortals, how can we lose the company of our bosom friends? AD mobile tour enables you to make friends with heroes and beautiful women with different personalities, and explore the mysterious and vast fairyland together.

Update log

1. Optimize in game mode experience
2. Fix other known problems in the game

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Related resources: Xiuxian Game A.D

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