Talkmarker download talkmarker software download v3.8.8.27 installation pack-k73 game home

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talkmarker Download v3.8.8.27

 Talkmarker v3.8.8.27 Download

  • Operating platform: Android, iOS
  • Resource type: entertainment
  • Language version: Korean version
  • Manufacturer name: Funtil Mobile
  • Issued: 2023-10-12
  • Add time: 2023-10-30 11:20:25
  • Resource size: 7.31 MB
  • Chinese localization: no Chinese localization
  • edition:
scanning QR code download

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The "talkmarker" simulation dialogue software brings you different fun. You can experience a real conversation. You can develop a unique boyfriend, or you can generate more interesting and funny conversations. More chat friends can be added to imitate a real chat. In the software, different scenarios can also be selected for more generation. Many users use this software as an entertainment tool, which is also good.

Talkmarker comments

Very intelligent dialog generation

Various language customization settings

Different scenarios can be applied

Create the dialogue you want

How to use talkmarker

1. Create my profile.

2. Press the+button to create a list of people you want to talk to. You can use this list to invite and chat freely. You can also upload your profile picture. (You can also make other friends on your profile.)

3. Click the friend you want to talk to.

4. Select "I" as the main speaker. You can be invited by making a friend "I".

5. In the chat window, select someone or me to have a real-time conversation.

6. Press the+button to send the photo, or change the new date line and time base.

7. If you want to delete the conversation or edit the time, please touch the voice bubble.

8. After completing the conversation, press the device's menu button (or the... button in the upper right corner) to change it to capture, and then press the+button to capture! (stored in the gallery)

How to change the language of talkmarker

The system can directly change the system language to English and then change the app language to English

Changing the system language back later will not affect the app language

You can also download it, enter the page, go to the friend address book interface, and click "Serring" on the right

After arriving at the "Serring" interface, find the bottom text setting "Language" and click

Can talkmaker set Chinese

It does not support Chinese, and can only be used in English and Korean

About talkmarker

The talkmarker app is a lifelike dialogue generator, an amazing dialogue generator. It can simulate the lifelike chat content, allowing you to fully control the progress of the conversation. Whether you need to generate chat records to entertain friends or want to simulate conversations in a specific work context, TalkMaker can meet your needs.

It can intelligently generate realistic dialogue content according to the keywords and context you input. Whether it is interaction with friends or professional application, it can be easily competent. You can easily change the language in the settings to make the conversation content adapt to different language environments and meet the needs of global users. Not only for entertainment, TalkMaker can also be used in professional fields, such as WeChat, to generate real chat content and improve work efficiency.

The virtual character dialog generator can create multiple virtual characters. The virtual characters can set their names and avatars. The dialog content and time can be edited at will. It can be used for editing dialogue jokes in life, creating chatting and dialogue novels, and also for spoofing among friends. For WeChat business, we also launched functions such as bill screenshots. WeChat business performance screenshots were taken at random, and the publicity effect increased dramatically. There are also some commonly used auxiliary functions, including rich functions such as avatar download, QR code tool, online name encyclopedia, etc.

The simulator software that generates dialogue can help users create realistic dialogue scenarios, customize roles, set dialogue scenarios, and generate coherent and logical dialogue content. If you need it, please download it!

Talkmarker function

Strong communication space:

It provides a dedicated communication space where users can speak freely, and can be satisfied with daily chat and work communication.

Support multi person online chat, making team collaboration, meeting discussion and other scenarios more efficient and convenient.

Quick image generation function:

It provides the function of quickly generating pictures. Users can save or share chat content or specific information in the form of pictures.

The generated pictures can be customized according to needs, such as adding filters, text, stickers, etc., to make the content more vivid and interesting.

Efficient content authoring tools:

It provides a wealth of writing templates and material library, and users can freely create communication templates according to their needs to quickly generate high-quality content.

Support online editing and modification, making content creation more convenient and efficient.

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Related resources: Funny software talkmaker talkmarker

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