Download the official pubgmobile experience service Download the latest version of pubgmobile experience service v3.3.2 Experience service Mobile Tour k73 Game Home

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pubgmobile Experience service download official v3.3.2

 Pubgmobile v3.3.2 Official experience service download

  • Operating platform: iOS, Android
  • Resource type: shooting
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: Tencent Mobile International Limited
  • Issued: 2024-6-20
  • Add time: 2022-12-09 15:55:20
  • Resource size: 1006.07 MB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition: Android online games Chinese version iOS Chinese version
scanning QR code download

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The download and installation of pubgmobile experience service is the beta pubg mobile game. Here is the installation package of the real version 2.4.1 of pubgmobile experience service, which supports the new play method of subway escape. A new map of subway escape is added, and there are also differences in the modes, namely basic mode and advanced mode. Players can choose to obtain specific modes.

Survival of the Jedi (international version experience service) can continue only after applying for invitation code in the official service
Application process
1. After downloading the official service, click and enter the main interface of the game, click the balloon logo on the right side of the screen to enter the activity page
2. Click [Recommended Activity] on the top right, and then pull down to find [Test Service Invitation]
3 If you are a novice and do not have a test suit invitation portal, it means that you have not reached a certain level of activity. You can log in for a few days and play several games. If you remain active, the test suit invitation portal may be opened
4 Click Generate Test Code in the pop-up interface and copy the test code
5 If an invitation code appears to prove that you are qualified for experience service, otherwise you are not qualified. Don't be discouraged. The higher and more active the official service level, the greater the probability of obtaining experience service qualification.)
Step 5: After copying the invitation code, you can click below to download the Jedi Survival (International Experience Service) and enter the invitation code to experience

Pubgmobile comments

After a while, the new content of the subway escape experience clothing has been updated

There are some new changes to the game's challenge mode

More monsters can be found during map escape

More innovative BOSS, waiting for you to challenge

How to download pubgmobile

Pubgmobile is a popular game released overseas, and many domestic stores do not provide downloads.

But this site provides you with the installation package of the game. After downloading and installing, you can download it to your phone.

In addition, the permanent and latest experience service provided here is a genuine international service testing resource. The content of is generally earlier than that of the national service. Many new play modes will be launched on the international service experience service in advance and then on the national service.

IOS players need to change their Apple ID to an external account before they can download the Apple version of International Service.

How can pubgmobile enter the game

1. On the login interface, you will see two protocols. Make sure you click to agree to them

2. You will see a caption "More" on the right side of the screen, which means there are other login methods

3. You can choose a suitable way to log in, such as using WeChat, QQ or email account

4. Login and wait: After successful login, you may encounter some temporary stutters, which is normal. Please do not worry

5. Once you have successfully entered the game, you need to select a region and click OK

6. Next, you can create your character according to your own preferences. After the creation is completed, click the "Finish Creation" button

7. The main interface of the game is here. You can click the "Start Game" button at the bottom left corner to start your chicken eating journey

Introduction to pubgmobile

The pubgmobile experience service game is a super fun multiplayer online chicken eating game. In the game, there are super rich game map scene modes, various character skin clothing players, and a large number of weapons and equipment. Players can freely purchase experience. A large number of game playing modes bring you a different game experience. Hundreds of people compete in the same picture, Very exciting and interesting. In the pubgmobile international version experience service, the game update has launched the latest content, the four map mode has been launched, the background map has also changed, and there are new achievements waiting for you to unlock. Of course, the weapon skin that has been highly expected by the players has also been launched, and more wonderful content is expected to be added by you, and your favorite friends should not miss it.

The new experience service takes you to experience the latest content in advance! It has better restored the original computer game content, which is more realistic and hard core to play. There is no fancy content to affect the balance of the game. Basically, all paid props in the game will be distributed to players for free on a regular basis. The current new mode of the game is very popular.

The extremely passionate shooting game and all kinds of wonderful challenges will happen at any time, bringing the most exciting process, making everything different. The way to fight in an all-round way, quickly defeat all kinds of enemies in front of you, and start a series of wonderful confrontations. Everything will be so intense, and it is worth having a good experience!

Pubgmobile features

1. The light and shadow effect of the game is very close to reality, and the 3D picture is more attractive;

2. The exciting form of battle can be said to be very good, and different characters can choose to experience;

3. Random appearance of various terrains greatly increases the playability of the game, and find suitable terrains to start fighting;

4. Use powerful tactics to win all challenges. You need to find appropriate tactics;

5. Many battle modes are very good, and each mode is independent;

6. The fast-paced confrontation, especially after encountering the enemy, should seize the time to eliminate as soon as possible;

7. The atmosphere of the whole safety zone is constantly shrinking, so you must pay attention to your own safety;

8. Seize the time, go there smoothly, avoid the scope of the poison circle, and smoothly run into a safe distance.

Pubgmobile highlights

All kinds of different scenes will be joined at any time, and it is OK to explore constantly.

At the beginning of the most intense confrontation, it is also a battle of life and death. You must be careful.

Make a reasonable response to all kinds of unexpected situations, and there are many dangers waiting for you.

There are many weapons in the game, and you should choose more powerful weapons.

The game's playing method is the same as that of Peace Elite, but the whole game screen looks very comfortable.

Create a more realistic and high-quality battlefield environment in the game to give you a perfect game experience.

Pubgmobile experience service update log

Updated content of the latest version of pubgmobile experience service:
Subway Escape Game Update (Opening Time: 2022/12/08)
1. Add 1 new map, divided into basic mode and advanced mode, with more map materials
2. The new function of rope and stairs is convenient for players to move faster
3. New monsters and BOSS provide a new PVE experience
4. The shop increases the sales of gold equipment pioneer test gift bag, you can go to buy and obtain gold equipment
5. 4 new sales items (biological samples, GPUs, gold bricks, lenses) are only produced in the new map
6. Advanced armor increases explosive damage reduction attribute
7. Basic warehouse capacity increased by 30
Click the button below to join the first travel service to experience the game in advance! (Please note that the content of the first game service test is not equal to the final content of the official game service) Welcome to join!

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Related resources: Escape game Chicken eating game pubgmobile Peace elite Competitive game

 pubg mobile

pubg mobile

Game platform: Android iOS

Game type: Shooting

Date of Sale: 2024-5-13 Release date of all versions
IOS, Android Chinese: 2024-5-13
IOS, Android Chinese: 2024-5-13

Game version: American edition

Game tag: Classic Games Game leaderboard


Total score Player rating: forty-five K73 Score: forty-eight
frame: nine
plot: nine
System: nine
music: nine
Playable: nine

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