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War herding method Mobile game v1.0.5

 Battle Pasture v1.0.5 Hand Tour

  • Operating platform: Android, iOS
  • Resource Type: Policy
  • Language version: Chinese version
  • Manufacturer name: Circle Studio
  • Issued: 2024-3-20
  • Added on: 2024-03-21 08:57:55
  • Resource size: 15.6 MB
  • Chinese localization: official Chinese version
  • edition:
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"Battle Pastoral Hand Tour" is a round game of placement and cultivation, which provides a variety of career choices and a full cultivation system. The game also has a unique technology system and hang up play method, allowing you to freely create a lineup, improve the combat power, and continue to upgrade when offline, so that you can easily enjoy the fun of the game.

Comments on the method of war and animal husbandry

Place round game of cultivation type

Role formation and other games

Enjoy the relaxing and joyful game process

Explore the unknown adventure together!

Introduction to War Pasture Method

The Battle Pasture is a round mobile game that combines depth strategy with easy placement. It gives players a variety of career choices, allows players to freely combine lineups according to strategic needs, and flexibly use various skills. At the same time, the game provides a complete cultivation system, including daily check-in and replica challenges, so that players can easily obtain resources, enhance character attributes, and thus improve combat effectiveness.

Science and technology system is a unique highlight. Players can bring extra attribute bonuses to characters by extracting scientific and technological attributes, thus improving the efficiency of resource acquisition in various play methods. This innovative design not only enriches the level of game play, but also makes players more comfortable in the process of exploration and upgrading.

The core play method of the game is mainly to place the hang up phone. The player only needs to set the battle strategy, and the character will automatically fight and push pictures. This easy way of playing greatly reduces the operational burden of players, allowing them to easily enjoy the fun brought by the game in the busy life gap. What's more, the game supports offline hang up function. Even in the offline state, players can get 100% experience income and realize real anytime and anywhere upgrade.

Introduction to War Pasture Method

1. The initial role is druid, and the array is placed in the back row

2. Open the exploration equipment, mines, woodlands, wheat fields, dung, and map treasure hunt as soon as possible, because with treasure hunt, you can obtain gems and magic crystals

3. After passing the fifth level, the second role selects the knight, sets the array in the front row, the third role selects the monk, puts the back row, the fourth role selects the mage, puts the back row attention, only improves the druid's level, the other three roles have not been upgraded to level 1, when the druid's level is upgraded to level 60, or when you feel it is obviously difficult to push the map, you can raise the monk to 60, and then raise the mage to 60, Then upgrade the druid to 65, and then upgrade the monk mage to 65. Every night before going to bed, upgrade the druid several more levels, so that the equipment acquired at night will be based on the druid's level. After getting up, the monk mage can upgrade several levels to change new equipment

4. The knight has not been upgraded, and will be upgraded after the other three characters reach Level 100

5. Equipment, equipment of any quality at the beginning, be sure to lock and retain the weapons and deputies of each profession. If you want to change roles later, you will be miserable if you can't brush them all the time. When you are ready to hang up or go offline, you can choose to break down the equipment below the epic with one key

6. After the market was opened, it was refreshed several times. Red and sapphire were all bought. Don't mix them. Red was inlaid on weapons, assistants and helmets. Blue was inlaid on rings, necklaces and earrings to add back blood. First, only the Druid's equipment was inlaid with the soul stone, ancient books and rice paper in the market. You must buy them. After 300 floors, you can buy nourishing pills and elixirs

7. With rice paper, you can upgrade druid skills, summon porcupines, and then upgrade the knight's pious aura skills to level 5 after upgrading to level 3. The aura of the knight is always effective, and it is also effective when the knight dies

8. Villages and scientific research institutes are upgraded to Level 100 alternately. The selection order of villages is: scientific research expertise>investment attraction>secrets of villages>treasure hunting>exploration>knowledge. All scientific research institutes are lucky

9. Gems are very important in the early stage. It's better to learn shield or treatment after the druid reaches level 35. The monk learns poisoning, the mage learns proficiency, and the knight learns rebirth from fire. After reaching level 70, the monk learns anger

10. After 300 layers, open the Holy Array as soon as possible, and add many attributes. If the monk can't stand it, he will often change to a thief when he dies. If the mage can't stand it, he will change to a soldier. The thief must be full of stealth, full of poison, and then learn to attack repeatedly or be sharp or vicious. The soldier's life will be strengthened and his shield will be full

11. Try to hang up online a few nights before the opening of the zone, and be casual later

12. Recharging suggestion: the monthly card has the highest cost performance

Statistics of equipment skills of war animal husbandry method

 Battle Pasture v1.0.5 Hand Tour

Characteristics of war and animal husbandry

1. Various game playing methods, such as strategy arrangement, skill matching, role formation, etc., to enjoy a relaxed and pleasant game process

2. Get a lot of resources, improve character attributes and combat power through daily check-in, daily copy and other methods

3. Players with unique technology system can increase overall attributes by extracting technology attributes to improve resource acquisition of various play methods

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