Once upon a time, Youtiaojiao Advance Service downloaded mobile v1.5 free version

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Once upon a time, Youtiaojiao Advance Service downloaded mobile v1.5 free version

 Once upon a time, there was a street service to download the mobile version
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 304M
  • Updated on: January 24, 2024 17:29
  • Application version: v1.5 free version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 5
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: https://www.yuwanyouxi.com/app/cqytj/
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

Once upon a time, the mobile version of Youtiaojiao Xianfu was a super popular ancient business game. The player's position in the game was a real ancient business world. You need to operate your own street here, use your wisdom to explore huge business opportunities, and build your own shops. Come and download it to play!

 Once upon a time, there was a street service to download the mobile version

Introduction to the game

Through continuous investment and expansion, players can gradually expand their business empire and attract more customers to consume. In addition to running stores, players can also hire and train employees to improve the service quality and efficiency of stores, so as to attract more customers. At the same time, players also need to pay attention to managing the supply and inventory of goods in the store, grasp the market demand and price fluctuations, and reasonably adjust the purchase and price of goods, so as to obtain greater profits. In this game, there are more interesting playing methods waiting for players to explore. Players can participate in various activities and tasks, complete specific goals to obtain rewards, and improve their level and reputation. Players can also interact with other players, exchange experience and resources, and even cooperate to carry out business activities to build a prosperous business district. In general, there used to be a street mobile game that was challenging and strategic. Players need to use wisdom and strategy to run their own shops, find business opportunities, and ultimately achieve commercial success.

Game features

There are a variety of decorations and props in the game to create a unique shop.

Communicate and cooperate with other players for common development and competition.

There are various challenges and battles in the game to improve the character's skills and strength.

 Once upon a time, there was a street service to download the mobile version

Game highlights

Explore the culture and characteristics of different regions of the world and experience unique business opportunities.

There are rich social activities and festival celebrations in the game to increase the fun of the game.

It brings players an easy life of healing and decompression, and a rich and interesting new simulation method.


1. In the game, do not immediately collect vegetables and gold coins. First, complete the tasks that can be completed at the current stage, and submit the required items. Then check the task content of the next phase to see whether it can be completed immediately. Avoid waiting for one day to complete the task in the next phase due to too fast hand speed, which will greatly waste time. The core of the game is to upgrade quickly and allocate resources to necessary buildings and warehouses in priority (large inventory demand in the early stage). Rapid upgrading can unlock new technologies (especially the logistics center, a magic weapon for automatic operation).

2. In the early stage of the game, the storage capacity can easily reach the upper limit, which makes it difficult for players to carry out construction projects. At this time, players need to draw celebrities who are helpful to the game to assist in operation and construction. If the player is lucky enough to draw yellow card characters, it will be of great help to the player's current game process.

3. Many Tianji characters' skills are not more practical than those of prefecture level characters. The advantage of Tianji characters lies in their high growth attributes. However, some prefecture level characters also perform well in use. (For example, Li Bai can get a drink after the completion of the building, which can sell for 5000. In fact, it is not very rare. In addition, some characters' skills do not have the attributes they are good at, so they are very weak.)

4. In the early stage of the game, excessive pursuit of land expansion is not just necessary. As long as two pieces of land inside and outside the city are vacant each time, the demand can basically be met. If too much land is expanded, there may not be enough buildings to fill. Therefore, it is recommended to invest funds in Tiangong Value and Kaiwu Value. After all, they will grow to hundreds of scales later.

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