Download the latest version of the popular messenger app v2.0.1 mobile version

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Download the latest version of the popular messenger app v2.0.1 mobile version

 Download the latest version of the popular messenger app
  • Application platform: IOS
  • Application size: 55M
  • Update time: 2023-11-21 17:52
  • Application version: v2.0.1 mobile version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website:
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

The latest version of the popular messenger app download is a software that can convert text information coding into two-dimensional code pictures, and can also share and send the two-dimensional code to our WeChat, QQ Nails and so on are all OK. They are very practical. You can restore the text information inside just by scanning them. They are very practical. Interested partners can download them and try!

 Download the latest version of the popular messenger app

Software Introduction

Flaming Messenger is a practical application that can encode text messages into two-dimensional code pictures and send them to your actual friends by calling the system sharing function, such as WeChat friends, QQ friends, nail friends, etc. When your friends receive this picture, they can use the FireMessenger APP to scan and decode it, and it can be restored to the original text message. In addition to message encoding and decoding functions, Red Messenger also has the management functions of virtual friend record, virtual conversation record and business card. You can easily create and manage virtual friends, record virtual sessions, and manage business card information. The use of Flaming Messenger is very convenient. It only takes a few simple steps to complete the encoding, sharing and decoding of messages. It can not only protect your privacy, but also add some interest and personality to the communication between you and your friends.

Software features

Support scanning any QR code, including commodity barcode, active QR code, etc., and provide relevant information and operations;

A QR code generator is provided. Users can generate customized QR codes, including text, links, business cards, etc;

Support to automatically jump to relevant pages or applications after scanning the QR code, so that users can quickly obtain information or perform operations;

 Download the latest version of the popular messenger app

Software highlights

The QR code scanning history and collection functions are provided to facilitate the user to manage and search the QR code scanned before;

Support saving QR code to mobile phone photo album or sharing to other social media platforms, so that users can share meaningful QR code information with others;

It has high accuracy and speed of two-dimensional code recognition and analysis, and can quickly scan and analyze two-dimensional codes of various sizes and styles;

Software review

1. We can use the two-dimensional code technology to encrypt the transmission of all kinds of text content.

2. It is more convenient to handle the content, and can serve a large number of small partners with needs.

3. It can comprehensively generate and scan all kinds of content, and has a very wide range of uses.

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