He is not my kind (Those Not My Kind) Game Genuine Download the latest v1.0.2 Android version

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He is not my kind (Those Not My Kind) Game Genuine Download the latest v1.0.2 Android version

 He is not my kind (Those Not My Kind). Download the latest version of the game
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 65.2M
  • Updated: 2024-05-24 14:56
  • Application version: v1.0.2 Android
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: 482b77f0241eb661ce6a0a73e99eb194
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

He is not my kind (That's Not My Kind). The latest version of the game download is a weird and scary game of doomsday painting style. Players need to compare the people in and out, find their differences, and see whether they are normal human beings, very interesting game content, doomsday game background, and more thrilling elements are here, If you are interested, let's experience it.

 That's Not My Kind

Introduction to the game

In the game, players need to find out the people in and out of the horrible scenes of the end times, compare their characteristics, and find out the hidden differences. Some people look like normal humans, but in fact they hide unusual secrets. Players need to observe carefully to find their true identities. As the game goes on, players will gradually uncover the stories behind these people, explore all kinds of strange phenomena in the end world, and solve the hidden mysteries. The thrilling elements and tense atmosphere in the game will make players constantly feel challenges and surprises, and make people immerse themselves in it. In addition to the game playing method of finding fault, players can also collect props and clues in the game, unlock more hidden scenes and plots, and challenge more difficult levels. The whole game is full of mysteries and mysteries, bringing players an extraordinary game experience.

Game features

1. Simple rules make the game very easy to play, so that everyone can participate in solving puzzles;

2. You may find some flaws by talking to the characters with various functions;

3. Check everyone's information and make sure there are no mistakes.

That's Not My Kind How to set up the Chinese version

1. Download the game on this page, enter the game, and select the flag icon in the lower left corner;

2. Choose the national flag of China;

3. You can set it to the Chinese version and start the game.

Game advantages

1. Perfect transplantation of PC games, 100% restoration of the entire game system, and more convenient mobile phone operation.

2. Act as the guard of the community who has worked for a long time. Your task is to check the identity of each resident and visitor.

3. Recently, there are fake people coming in and out, which needs more review. Once the fake people are put in, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Game content

1. Here you need to give full play to your enhanced operating skills to complete a more advanced dream experience. You can join in different interesting battlefields.

2. The delicate game screen has more unique adventure settings, allowing players to enjoy different game experiences, and the new play method gives you new surprises.

3. There are many different items to find, so be careful when searching! Use your resources to your advantage.

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