The latest version of v2.1.0 Android is officially downloaded from Keli Oral App

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The latest version of v2.1.0 Android is officially downloaded from Keli Oral App

 Official download of the latest version of Keli oral app
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 44.6M
  • Update time: 18:30, May 23, 2024
  • Application version: v2.1.0 Android
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • Record No.: ZheICPB No. 2023012039-2A
  • MD5 value: d250b17cf786617978a466f3b28a440a
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

The official download of the latest version of Keli Oral App is a simple high-quality English learning software. It provides professional and reliable excellent language learning tools, which are very easy to use. It provides a variety of wonderful language learning courses, which are very popular. It provides users with a variety of oral learning modes, which are very popular. If you are interested, please download and try.

 Official download of the latest version of Keli oral app

Software Introduction

The official download of the latest version of Keli Oral App is a software designed for learning English, which provides a variety of learning contents and practical tools, so that users can easily improve their oral ability. Both beginners and advanced learners can find their own courses and contents. Whether it's daily life language, business spoken English or practical travel English, you can find learning resources to meet your needs in this app. Users can improve their speaking ability through online courses, real-time dialogue exercises, voice assessment and other functions. If you want to communicate with people more fluently in English, Keli oral app is definitely your best choice. Try downloading it!

Software advantages

1. Let you give your first answer immediately after listening practice to improve your oral skills.

2. Use the intelligent evaluation system to analyze your spoken English in detail to determine your strengths and weaknesses.

3. Provide customized exercise plans every day to make your learning more purposeful.

Software highlights

1. High precision teaching guidance: at each stage, there are full-time teachers to answer questions and solve questions, accurate to everyone, accurate to every word, sentence, paragraph, without leaving any blind spots

2. Rich learning atmosphere: members sign in exclusively every day, expand knowledge points in multiple dimensions, team members discuss in depth, strengthen memory and consolidate learning

3. Strict supervision mechanism: comprehensively supervise lecturers, teaching supervisors, sound correction teachers and teaching assistants to prevent laziness and delay

 Official download of the latest version of Keli oral app

software function

1. Design various interesting topics and role play exercises to learn oral English in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

2. Provide professional reading courses and speech imitation skills to help you improve your speech expression ability.

3. Collect a large number of real scene simulation dialogues, and feel the communication in the actual communication during the learning process.

software documentation

1. Diversified learning resources: There are a large number of learning materials covering various scenes of daily life, work, travel, etc., as well as dialogues, articles, news, etc. of different difficulty levels to meet the different learning needs of users.

2. Powerful speech recognition technology: the application of built-in advanced speech recognition technology can accurately capture the user's pronunciation details, and provide real-time correction and feedback to help users improve their spoken pronunciation and intonation.

3. Intelligent learning plan: According to the user's learning goals and levels, Keli Oral can intelligently generate personalized learning plans, including recommended learning content, time arrangement and learning progress tracking, to help users learn efficiently and orderly.

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