Smart Dongchang official download app v3.4.4 Android version

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Smart Dongchang official download app v3.4.4 Android version

 Smart Dongchang officially downloads the latest version of the app
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 71.2M
  • Update time: 09:05, May 23, 2024
  • Application version: v3.4.4 Android
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website:
  • MD5 value: 970fe90e4074d8b29080be90e9cf56ca
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

The latest version of the official download app of Smart Dongchang is a comprehensive mobile government service software for Dongchang. It provides local information, government reports and more wonderful functions, provides a richer high-quality local news platform, and more wonderful content must not be missed. It provides users with a variety of distinctive usages to obtain the best use experience, If you are interested, please download it.

 Smart Dongchang officially downloads the latest version of the app

Software Introduction

The latest version of the official download app of Smart Dongchang is a mobile phone application specially designed for residents in Dongchang. The application provides the latest local information, government reports and other content, so that users can understand the local news and government affairs at any time and anywhere. In addition, Smart Dongchang also provides a variety of functions, including online service, community exchange and interaction, and convenient life services, providing users with convenient life services. Whether you want to know the latest local news or need to go through relevant government procedures, Smart Dongchang can meet the needs of users. Users can quickly locate the information they need through the application, and carry out relevant operations to enjoy a more convenient service experience. In a word, Smart Dongchang is a comprehensive application software integrating news and information, government services, and convenient life, providing more convenient and efficient services for residents in Dongchang. Download the experience now!

software function

1. "Smart Dongchang Mansion" is an APP of Dongchang Rong Media Center integrating local radio, television, live broadcast programs, local government affairs information, medical education, municipal transportation, tourism, food, cultural ticketing and other comprehensive functions.

2. Provide local users with basic services such as online news and information browsing, special events, polling, transportation, weather forecast, content interactive sharing, and feedback of opinions and information,

3. It can also provide a series of people's livelihood application services such as local transportation, tourism, maps, (water, electricity, coal) payment, recharge, shopping, road conditions, violation query, etc.

Software features

1. Provide users with the latest local news and timely updates;

2. The news update in the software is timely and fast, and the information authenticity is high;

3. The software can better serve the residents and help you understand the surrounding things!

Software highlights

1. The platform information involves education, people's livelihood and other aspects, which is authentic and reliable;

2. The information is updated quickly, and it is more convenient to read with one button;

3. They are all synchronized online, so that changes in current events can be found online!

 Security Chart_20240523090416.png

Software advantages

1. I want health:

Medical services, health guidance.

2. I want entertainment:

Cultural activities are rich and colorful.

3. I want to communicate:

Social platform, interactive communication.

4. I want to travel:

Traffic guide, safe travel.

Software content

1. It is mainly divided into two parts: convenient services and special services, which all bring great help to your life;

2. Built in process can help you understand the process and save a lot of time;

3. It supports the collection function and can collect services, which is convenient to quickly find targets next time and improve the efficiency of handling inquiries;

4. Built in online consultation service, you can conduct manual consultation online to solve your problems if you don't understand them.

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