Love Ezhou Client Official Download Android v1.0.5 Free Edition

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Love Ezhou Client Official Download Android v1.0.5 Free Edition

 Love Ezhou Client Official Download Android Version
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 125.1M
  • Updated: 2024-05-23 08:56
  • Application version: v1.0.5 free version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • Record No.: E ICP Bei 14007639 No. - 7A
  • MD5 value: a1e4a917225c51a72ac7cfbdcc386654
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

The official download of Android version of Love Ezhou client is a very excellent news client software. It provides professional Ezhou news information and social trends, and gets more abundant news coverage. All kinds of daily life, government decisions, entertainment trends and international affairs can be seen here. It is very easy to use, and more search functions must not be missed, Prepare professional users for users. If you need them, please download them.

 Love Ezhou Client Official Download Android Version

Software Introduction

The official download Android version of Ezhou Love Client is a powerful news client software that provides comprehensive Ezhou news information and social dynamics. Users can obtain richer news reports in the application, covering various daily life, government decisions, entertainment trends and international affairs. The search function of the application is also very convenient, and users can easily find the information they are interested in. In general, Love Ezhou Client is a very practical news application, suitable for users interested in Ezhou.

software function

1. Timely understand the most comprehensive news information to better understand the ease brought by different news.

2. Get to know all kinds of information in a timely manner, and check the most comprehensive services online in a timely manner.

3. Enjoy the convenience of real-time online access to different types of information, and learn about different types of information more quickly.

Software advantages

[News] Provide local current affairs news, social information and other information;

【 Merchant discount 】 Release discount, promotion and other preferential information of local merchants;

[Map navigation] Provide local map navigation services to facilitate users' travel;

[Life service] Provide information about catering, food, shopping, entertainment and other life services around.

 Love Ezhou Client Official Download Android Version

Software highlights

1. Find out the interest circles around you. Different hobbies have different circles. Join now.

2. The most comprehensive local service and the most convenient service are the necessities for local people.

3. Get the first-hand information of the whole city. All the information that can't be missed is here.

Software features

1. Localization service

Covering the life service information in Ezhou, it is convenient for users to obtain local information.

2. Multiple functions

It gathers news, promotions, local dynamic information release and other services.

3. Merchant discount

Users can enjoy the release of discount information of local merchants, so that citizens can experience more diversified.

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