Download the latest version of the youth of the University of China official v2.4.3 mobile version

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Download the latest version of the youth of the University of China official v2.4.3 mobile version

 Download the official version of the latest version of the youth of the University
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 46.8M
  • Update time: 2014-05-22 17:13
  • Application version: v2.4.3 mobile version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: 2a26cb0556dc1d2e03268d881a3dc1ce
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

The official download version of the latest version of the youth of Minzu University is a high-quality smart campus software for teachers and students of Northwest University for Nationalities. It provides professional and reliable excellent campus services, experiences the best wonderful campus information and campus activities, and is very popular. It creates a new wonderful campus dynamic. More relevant online business is here. If you need it, please download it and try it.

 Download the official version of the latest version of the youth of the University

Software Introduction

The official download version of the latest version of the youth of the University of Nationalities is a smart campus software designed for teachers and students of Northwest University for Nationalities. Users can get the latest and complete campus information and activity information on this platform, so that they can know the important events and wonderful activities in the campus at the first time. In addition, the software also provides a convenient online business processing function, so that users can handle relevant affairs more conveniently and quickly. The official version of the latest version downloaded by the youth of Minzu University was widely welcomed, creating a more convenient and colorful campus life experience for teachers and students of Northwest University for Nationalities. Download and try it now, and experience the new campus dynamics!

software function

1. The first phase of the opening of the youth APP of Minda will realize online management of league learning activities, student organization management, online learning of league schools, query of league certificates and other functions.

2. The youth APP of Minda is mainly promoted by means of "level by level diffusion". Each college, association, school youth league committee, student union, social federation and youth media center has its own account to manage in the two campuses, which improves efficiency.

3. The teachers and students of our school can download and use it by following the website of the Communist Youth League of the University of China, the WeChat platform of the Youth League Committee of the Northwest University of China, the official blog of the Youth League Committee, and the microblog and WeChat platform of the University Student Union, the Association Federation, the Youth Media Center, and the New Media Research Center.

4. The second phase of the youth opening of the University will expand the service scope and content according to the needs of teachers and students.

Instructions for the use of the youth app of Minda

1. Download the software installation package on this page, enter the software, and agree to the privacy agreement;

2. More information activities are here;

3. Massive online courses are clear at a glance;

4. Students and workers have comprehensive functions.

Software advantages

1. Various campus services: life services, learning services, etc

2. Online sharing of resources: flea market, book borrowing, etc

3. The strongest brain on campus: campus activities, school anniversary activities, etc

Software highlights

1. The opening will expand the scope and content of services according to the needs of teachers and students.

2. It can be downloaded and used by following the website of the Communist Youth League of the University of China, the WeChat platform of the Youth League Committee of the Northwest University of China, the official blog of the Youth League Committee, and the microblog and WeChat platform of the University Student Union, Youth Media Center, Association Federation, and New Media Research Center.

3. By means of "level by level diffusion", each college, association, student union, school youth league committee, social federation and youth media center has its own account to manage in the two campuses, which improves the efficiency.

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