Download and install the official Android version of Liaoning Xingyun Technology APP (vivo) v2.0.1 mobile version

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Download and install the official Android version of Liaoning Xingyun Technology APP (vivo) v2.0.1 mobile version

 Download and install the official Android version of Liaoning Xingyun Technology APP (vivo)
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 4.0M
  • Update time: 2023-11-21 14:56
  • Application version: v2.0.1 mobile version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: 3021b69c5d95b6dfee82cb3397a2f15c
  • Related collections: Vivo Thousand Query Download Collection
Application Introduction

The official download and installation of Liaoning Xingyun Technology APP Android is a forum software designed for enthusiasts who like rocket and spacecraft model design. Users can use this software to exchange and interact. There are many rocket related information for reference, which is very practical and easy to operate. Interested partners can download it and try it!

 Download and install the official Android version of Liaoning Xingyun Technology APP (vivo)

Software Introduction

Liaoning Xingyun Technology app is a forum and exchange platform for rocket and spacecraft model design enthusiasts launched by Liaoning Xingyun Technology Company. Users can freely browse the rocket related information published in the app, and communicate and discuss with other users. Liaoning Xingyun Technology app provides a special model design section, in which users can share their own rocket model design works, as well as view and comment on other users' works. In addition to the model design section, Liaoning Xingyun Technology app also has a news information section, through which users can learn the latest rocket and spacecraft related information and research results. In addition, Liaoning Xingyun Technology app has also set up a technology exchange section, where users can ask questions, seek help, and discuss solutions with other users. Liaoning Xingyun Technology app provides a subscription function, where users can subscribe to topics or users they are interested in, so as to obtain relevant trends and information in a timely manner. At the same time, Liaoning Xingyun Technology app also has some special functions, such as rocket simulation aircraft, through which users can have a virtual rocket flight experience.

Software features

The software provides a convenient way of communication, and can interact, discuss and share experience with other users in real time.

Users can publish and view the latest industry trends and trends, and update their knowledge and skills in a timely manner.

The software provides personalized recommendation and customization functions to push relevant content and recommend friends according to users' interests and preferences.

 Download and install the official Android version of Liaoning Xingyun Technology APP (vivo)

Software highlights

Users can participate in various activities and competitions through the software, compete and cooperate with other users, and improve their skills.

The software provides rich learning resources and educational content, and users can learn and share knowledge anytime and anywhere.

Each member of the team will try his best to exert his imagination and creativity.

Software advantages

001: Head of Beijing Branch of Liaoning Xingyun Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Xingyun Technology"), who once participated in the development of N-00, N-0A and N-10 engines, is now involved in the development of N-1 series, N-2 series and the design of N-30 two-stage rocket.

003: Head of Jinzhong and Taiyuan Branch of Xingyun Technology, who once participated in N-00, N-0A launch missions and N-10 engine test run, is now the chief designer of N-1 series, in charge of arrow body structure design and new engine research and development.

005: Head of Tianjin Branch of Nebula Technology, who participated in N-00 and N-0A launch missions, is now involved in the manufacturing of N-1 series components, and has hosted online meetings for many times.

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