Download the latest official free version of momo detection v4.4.1 mobile version

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Download the latest official free version of momo detection v4.4.1 mobile version

 Download the latest official free version of momo detection
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 1.9M
  • Updated on: 15:52, January 17, 2024
  • Application version: v4.4.1 mobile version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 5
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: 2e64a137c807a6ad6ecd1435a83dcca5
  • Related collections:
Application Introduction

The latest official free version of momo detection is a very useful mobile phone running detection software. It can help you detect the root and framework in the mobile phone, and help you solve various mobile phone problems. It is also very simple to operate. It can easily detect the root status of the mobile phone, so that you can no longer worry about mobile phone status problems. If you need it, you can download it and try it.

 Download the latest official free version of momo detection

Software highlights:

Locate the Xposed framework.

Locate the root process.

Find the executable program "su".

SELinux rules are modified or SELinux is in tolerance mode.

Find the file modified by the Magisk module.

 Download the latest official free version of momo detection

Software features

1. The version mask Magisk removes the online module and MagiskHide function.

2. If the bank APP cannot be used, you can rename the mask and configure an exclusion list.

3. Tips: The application in the exclusion list cannot use the module, which can be solved by the Shamiko module.

Software advantages

1. Let su mount to applications that need root, not all applications.

2. To avoid problems for unrelated applications, Xposed must only inject the target process. Eliminate indiscriminate injection into all applications.

3. Never turn off SELinux forced mode, and only minimize the addition of allowed rules when necessary. In addition, you should not add the permission rules for untrusted_app series domains (except when the target domain is the root domain).

Brief comments:

This is a very useful software, which can automatically detect the mobile phone operating environment, so that your mobile phone can run more cleanly. There is no advertising, and you can experience it for free. Come and download it!

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