Download the latest version of the original Kori Parkour game for free Android v1.0.1 official version

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Download the latest version of the original Kori Parkour game for free Android v1.0.1 official version

 The latest version of the original Kori Parkour game download free Android version
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 35.2M
  • Update time: 2022-10-31 17:21
  • Application version: v1.0.1 official version
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: af4f3c56f1b2ef4ce29c0c89466fe3cf
  • Related collections: Koli parkour game Puzzle game
Application Introduction

The latest version of the original God Koli Parkour game download free Android version is a small game of the original God Koli with people made by Qin Wuye, the leader of the b station up. Players should operate Koli Parkour in the game, not only to constantly escape from the wall of fire chasing behind, but also to defeat all kinds of small monsters. It has the function of moving forward quickly, which is very interesting. Later, it will add boss wars, Come and experience what you like.

Game features

1. Super happy and wonderful parkour games, cartoon style, increase fun;

2. There are many tasks, the difficulty level is constantly upgraded, and free challenges;

3. Flexible fingertip micro operation, complete a large number of tasks and enjoy wonderful play.

Game advantages

1. Kerry Parkour, a very magical parkour game.

2. Q version of the pixel cartoon style, play a very magical decompression effect.

3. The lovely character of the original god Kerry brought different parkour competitions.

4. Parkour went farther and farther, constantly breaking its own records.

Game content

1. Rich level modes, unlock more parkour games.

2. Virtual double lever operation, flexible control.

3. Control the speed at all times to avoid obstacles easily.

4. Constantly break through yourself and practice more sophisticated parkour technology.

Game highlights

1. Keep challenging and do a lot of work. The practice is amazing and needs to be mastered forever;

2. Will break through all obstacles, believe in their own level, scores can not be low, this is great;

3. Any run is not bad. It needs to show the operation. Of course, magic is always playing.

Game description

1. In the process of advancing, we will inevitably encounter dangers. We must always be cautious to overcome these obstacles;

2. The wonderful pictures are moving. We can take various challenges at any time to prove our ability;

3. The painting style and production effect of the game are very good. The addition of various challenges brings shocking adventures to players.

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