Yaoji Cool Run Game Download 2023 Official Download Mobile v22.10.211925

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Yaoji Cool Run Game Download 2023 Official Download Mobile v22.10.211925

 Download the official 2023 version of Yaoji Kupao game and download the mobile version
  • Application platform: Android
  • Application size: 27.4M
  • Updated: 11:56, October 24, 2022
  • Application version: v22.10.211925
  • Application language: Chinese
  • Application level: Level 4
  • Application authorization: free software
  • Official website: temporarily unavailable
  • MD5 value: a0b0c09507358cf30aef197b53c1551a
  • Related collections: Cool Run Mobile Tour
Application Introduction

The official version of the game download 2022 The mobile version is a recently popular spoof game. The game is mainly created by the station b up. Players need to operate the characters to avoid various obstacles, keep moving forward, and get higher scores. The game is very fun and devilish. If you like all kinds of games, you must not miss them.

 Download the official 2022 version of Yaoji Kupao game and download the mobile version

Game highlights:

1. Enjoy challenge, stimulation and confrontation, flexible fingertip micro operation, and constant surprises;

2. Exciting parkour, wonderful experience, many tasks, a lot of checkpoints;

3. Happy parkour experience, continuous challenge and adventure, enjoy happy experience.

Game advantages:

1. From a distance among the crowd, his dark skin and non mainstream hair style left a deep impression on everyone;

2. The netizen joked that she was not only handsome, but also dressed like this. The shape of the Blue Goblin is the best match with that of Wavelet, which is also a new name for him;

3. His unconventional blue suit and tights are referred to by making a fuss to attract attention.

Game description:

1. This stem comes from the short video blogger @ Pi Xiaolang of Douyin, who wears the blue enchantress Pi Xiaolang's instant charm;

2. The background of the video is that her girlfriend disdains her for being too homely and frustrated, so she divides her hand. At this time, Xiaolang begins to change her charm;

3. Everyone thought that he would really become a prince. Who ever wanted to appear in our realization was a non mainstream boy with a blue witch.

 Download the official 2022 version of Yaoji Kupao game and download the mobile version

Game features:

1. There are many game scenes designed for the game, and many interesting things happened on the subway

2. Someone is always chasing you, so you must speed up the pace, and the tasks in the next stage will become more difficult and faster

3. Action effects and exquisite small character models let you start a refreshing journey of parkour in the game

Game experience:

1. The style of game painting is humorous and interesting, and the fun of sprinting through the border is waiting for you to experience.

2. Give full play to your parkour talent, flexibly avoid all obstacles, and get higher scores;

3. This is our Internet star Blue Devil driving his golden Chelsea westward.

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